
$list = Import-Csv C:\Temp\sam.csv

New-Item -Path C:\Temp -Name sam_check_y.csv -ItemType file -Value ("id" + [Environment]::NewLine)
New-Item -Path C:\Temp -Name sam_check_n.csv -ItemType file -Value ("id" + [Environment]::NewLine)

foreach($user in $list )
       $check_id = $user.id

        $user_yn = (Get-ADGroup -identity "EDGE_Dev@1" -properties Member).Member | Get-ADUser | where-object  {$_.SamaccountName -eq $check_id} | Select-Object samaccountname

        if($user_yn -eq $NULL) {
         $check_id |Add-Content -Path C:\Temp\sam_check_n.csv

         if($user_yn -ne $NULL) {
          $check_id |Add-Content -Path C:\Temp\sam_check_y.csv



원문 : lynckersriram.blogspot.com/2014/10/lync-presence-flow.html


Lync Presence Flow

What is Presence? Presence expresses the availability and willingness of a user to join a conversation by using a SIP client such as Mic...


현재 상태는 무엇입니까?

현재 상태는 사용자가 Microsoft Lync 2010 또는 Lync 2013과 같은 SIP 클라이언트를 사용하여 대화에 참여할 수있는 가능성과 의지를 나타냅니다. 현재 상태와 관련된 두 가지 주요 활동이 있습니다.

  • 프레즌스 출판
  • 프레즌스 구독

프레즌스 구독

현재 상태 구독은 새로 고침 된 현재 상태 정보를보고 싶은 사용자와 관심있는 향상된 현재 상태의 측면을 Lync 클라이언트가 알 수 있도록하는 작업입니다. Lync 클라이언트가 일련의 사용자 및 향상된 현재 상태 정보 집합이 있으면이 요청 또는 구독을 Lync 서버로 보냅니다. 그런 다음 Lync 서버는 Lync 클라이언트에 대한 응답으로 사용자에 대한 최신 정보로 응답합니다. 현재 상태 구독은 한 사용자가 다른 사용자의 업데이트 현재 상태 정보를 얻으려고 할 때 발생합니다.


프레즌스 출판

여기서 질문은 Lync 서버가 사용자의 현재 상태를 어떻게 알 수 있는가입니다. 현재 상태 게시는 사용자가이 현재 상태를 구독 한 다른 사용자의 사용을 위해 로그인 한 후 Lync 클라이언트를 사용하여 사용자 로컬 현재 상태 정보를 게시하는 것입니다. 응용 프로그램은 로컬 로그인 사용자의 현재 상태를 대화 가능, 바쁨, 방해 금지, 바로 돌아 오거나, 퇴근하거나 자리를 비움과 같은 가용성으로 설정할 수 있습니다. 현재 상태 게시는 한 사용자가 자신의 현재 상태 정보를 다른 사용자에게 업데이트하려고 할 때 발생합니다.


프레즌스 폴링

Lync Client에서 사용자의 연락처 목록을 관리하려면 연락처의 최신 현재 상태를 수신하려면 영구 구독이 필요합니다. 이러한 이유로 존재 여부에 대한 폴링은 정기적으로 필요합니다. 폴링은 정기적으로 프레즌스 구독을 수행합니다. 폴링 구독에서 Lync 클라이언트는 주기적으로 Lync 서버를 쿼리하여 데이터를 가져옵니다. 구독과 쿼리의 차이점은 구독이 일정 기간에 연결되어있는 반면 현재 상태 쿼리는 일회성이라는 사실에 있습니다. 영구 구독과 폴링 구독의 차이점은 SIP 대화 상자가 영구 구독에 관련되어 있지만 폴링 구독에 없다는 사실에 있습니다.

폴링 구독의 경우 Lync Server 클라이언트는 지정된 시간 간격으로 프로세스를 반복합니다. 영구 구독의 경우 Lync Server는 현재 상태 데이터가 포함 된 NOTIFY 또는 BENOTIFY 요청을 생성, 수정 또는 제거하여 구독자에게 게시를 푸시합니다. NOTIFY 요청의 경우 서버는 클라이언트가 SIP 응답으로 응답 할 것으로 예상합니다. BENOTIFY 요청의 경우 클라이언트 응답이 필요하지 않습니다. 프로세스는 구독이 종료 될 때까지, 구독 클라이언트의 요청에 따라 또는 구독 사용자가 로그 오프 할 때까지 계속됩니다.


사용자 존재 변경

사용자가 자신의 존재를 변경할 때. 사용자 용 Lync 클라이언트는 현재 상태 게시를 Lync 서버로 보냅니다. Lync는 현재 상태 업데이트를 위해 연락처로 추가 한 모든 사용자에게 알림 또는 Benotify 요청을 보냅니다.


Setting Skype, Skype for Business, Teams, Lync or Cisco Jabber as the default IM client for Outlook

I personally use Skype as my default IM client and that also integrated with Outlook at home. At work, we use Skype for Business and there Outlook integrates with Skype for Business.

I recently upgraded my home computer to Office 2016 via our company’s Office 365 licensing and now Skype no longer integrates with Outlook 2016. When I log on with Skype for Business at home, I found out that it now integrates with Outlook instead.

Do I need the Home or Personal edition of Office 2016 for integration with Skype or can I somehow set which IM client should integrate with Outlook?

Both Skype and Skype for Business (previously known as Lync), Microsoft Teams as well as Cisco Jabber can integrate with the IM functionality available in Outlook. This means that you can see people’s Skype, Teams or Jabber availability, reply to an email via an IM or directly start a call or chat all from within Outlook.

When you are using Skype or Jabber and then install an Office edition that includes Skype for Business, Skype for Business is set as the default IM client in Windows. Similarly, when you are using Skype for Business and then also install Skype or Jabber afterwards, it will set Skype or Jabber as the default. When you install Teams, it (currently) doesn’t set itself as the default IM client.

It would have been nice if there was an easy way to select your IM client for Outlook straight from within Outlook or the IM client itself. Sadly, this is not the case, except for Teams, but you can still set it directly via the Registry.

IM Providers Registry key

The Registry key which stores which IM client can integrate with Outlook is:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers

Below this key, you’ll find several sub keys which represent the IM clients that you have installed on your system (and registered themselves as such).

In the IM Providers key, you’ll see a value called DefaultIMApp. This value should correspond to one of the sub keys. When you change the value of DefaultIMApp, restart Outlook and your new default IM application and Outlook should now use that as the application for IM integration.

When you want to use Skype for Business as the default, the DefaultIMApp value should be set to Lync as that was the previous name of Skype for Business and that name is still being used in several places for backwards compatibility.

If you don’t want to modify the Registry yourself, you can download the zip-file below. Within it, you’ll find ready made reg-files to set Skype, Skype for Business (Lync), Communicator or Cisco Jabber as the default IM application. Simply double click the correct reg-file to automatically set the value.

When you want to use Teams as the default IM client, you can do that directly from within Teams itself. For instructions, see the Microsoft Teams section below.

Download: defaultimclient.zip

Various IM clients can integrate with Outlook but choosing a default requires a Registry fix.

Note: Changing the default IM provider also affects the other Office applications of course. For instance, when you use the Contact Card in Backstage or the comment section in Word.

Microsoft Teams

Teams allows you to set itself as the default IM client directly from within its Settings dialog.

  • Click on your Avatar or initials in the top-right corner-> Settings-> section: General-> enable: Register Teams as the chat app for Office (requires restarting Office applications)

Registering Teams as the default chat app in Outlook and other Office applications.

Note: As expected, this will set the DefaultIMApp Registry value to Teams. The nice thing about this, is that when you don’t like it to be the default anymore, deselecting this option will set your previous chat app as the default again thanks to the PreviousDefaultIMApp value.

Supported IM clients

Please realize that you can’t simply pick any IM client and expect its integration to work in Outlook or other Office applications. If it doesn’t offer any Office integration features, setting this key to that application will disable the Reply with IM, chat, call and on-line availability functions in Outlook.

Amongst the supported IM clients are: Skype, Skype for Business, Lync, Office Communicator 2007 R2 and Cisco Jabber. The level of integration depends on a combination of the IM client being used and the version of Outlook.

Note: Windows Messenger got discontinued so setting MSN Messenger as the default is no longer supported.


@echo off


 set/p host=host Address: 

 set logfile=Log_%host%.log


 echo Target Host = %host% >%logfile%

 for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('ping %host% -n 1 ') do (echo %%A>>%logfile% && GOTO Ping)


 for /f "tokens=* skip=2" %%A in ('ping %host% -n 1 ') do (

     echo %date% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %%A>>%logfile%

     echo %date% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %%A

     timeout 1 >NUL 

     GOTO Ping)



use rtcdyn


-- 모임 참석자 리스트 쿼리
select FE.Fqdn, P.ConfId, P.UserAtHost, RC.ProvisionTime, P.JoinTime, RC.ExpiryTime from Participant P with(nolock)
Join ParticipantSignalingSession PS with(nolock) ON PS.ConfId = P.ConfId and P.PartId = PS.PartId
Join [rtc].[dbo].[Conference] RC with(nolock) ON RC.ConfId = P.ConfId
Join FrontEnd FE with(nolock) ON FE.FrontEndId = PS.FrontEndId
Order by RC.ProvisionTime, P.ConfId, FE.Fqdn

-- 모임 F/E서버 및 모임방ID별 참석자 수
select FE.Fqdn, P.ConfId, Count(*) as Join_Cnt, RC.ExpiryTime from Participant P with(nolock)
Join ParticipantSignalingSession PS with(nolock) ON PS.ConfId = P.ConfId and P.PartId = PS.PartId
Join [rtc].[dbo].[Conference] RC with(nolock) ON RC.ConfId = P.ConfId
Join FrontEnd FE with(nolock) ON FE.FrontEndId = PS.FrontEndId
Group By FE.Fqdn, P.ConfId, RC.ExpiryTime


,'|' as '|'
,[LastActivityTime] MCULastActivityTime
,'|' as '|'
,'|' as '|'
FROM [rtcdyn].[dbo].[ActiveConference]
left outer join [rtcdyn].[dbo].[Participant]
on [Participant].ConfId = [ActiveConference].ConfId
left outer join [rtcdyn].[dbo].[ActiveMcu]
on ActiveMcu.ConfId = ActiveConference.ConfId
and UserAtHost not like 'CAS%'
and MediaId = 4
left outer join [rtc].[dbo].[Conference]
on Conference.ConfId = ActiveConference.ConfId

--where ActiveConference.ConfId in (select ConfId from [rtcdyn].[dbo].[Participant] where UserAtHost like '%dgardiner.test%') --Name of the application/OwnerURI scheduling the conference




[파일명찾기. 제목찾기]

특정 문자열이 존재하는 행 찾기
dir /s /b | find /i "원하는문자열입력"
-> C:\Users\TY\Desktop\log>dir /s /b | find /i "원하는문자열입력" C:\Users\TY\Desktop\log\원하는문자열입력.txt

dir /s /b | find /i "원하는문자열입력"
-> 해당사항없음

dir /s | find "원하는문자열입력"
-> C:\Users\TY\Desktop\log>dir /s | find "원하는문자열입력"
2019-05-20 오전 11:03 3 원하는문자열입력.txt

dir /s | find "원하는문자열입력"
-> 해당사항없음


[파일내용찾기. 원하는문자열찾기]

findstr /s "원하는문자열입력" *.txt
-> C:\Users\mani4u\log>findstr /s "원하는문자열입력" *.txt

findstr /s "원하는문자열입력" *.*
-> /s가 하위경로까지 찾으므로 매우많이나옴. 특정 경로에 들어가서 입력 시 조금 나음
findstr "원하는문자열입력" *.*

findstr /n "원하는문자열입력" *mobile.log*
-> /n을 붙이면 라인수가 같이 표기됨

findstr /s "원하는문자열입력" frameplus.log
findstr /n "원하는문자열입력" *mobile.log*

findstr /s "원하는문자열입력" *.xml


wmic process get caption, creationdate | findstr 프로세스명


wmic process get caption, creationdate | findstr excel.exe

excel.exe 20200206073039.779888+540




–앞으로 사용할 DB 생성–


sqlDB 데이터베이스 생성


–사용할 테이블 생성–

테이블 userTbl, buyTbl 작성

–데이터 입력–

데이터 입력.

userTbl 정보

buyTbl 정보

–DB 백업–

USE tempdb;

참고로 백업 및 복원은 https://archmond.net/?p=7083 에서 알아봤음.

–기본 WHERE 절–

WHERE절은 조회 시 조건을 줄 수 있다.

USE sqlDB;
SELECT * FROM userTbl WHERE name=’김경호’;

김경호 사용자만 추출

SELECT * FROM userTbl WHERE birthYear >= 1970 AND height >= 182;

1970년 이후 출생, 182cm 이상인 사람

SELECT userID, name FROM userTbl WHERE birthYear >= 1970 OR height >= 182;

1970년 이후 출생 or(또는) 182cm 이상인 사람은 7명


SELECT userID, name FROM userTbl WHERE height >= 180 AND height <= 183;

키가 180에서 183cm인 사람 찾기

SELECT userID, name FROM userTbl WHERE height BETWEEN 180 AND 183;

동일한 값을 찾기 위해 BETWEEN A AND B를 사용함.

–IN 사용–

SELECT userID, name FROM userTbl WHERE addr=’경남’ OR addr=’전남’ OR addr=’경북’;

지역이 경남, 전남, 경북인 사람 찾기


SELECT name, height FROM userTbl WHERE name LIKE ‘김%’;

성이 김씨인 사람 찾기

SELECT name, height FROM userTbl WHERE name LIKE ‘_종신’;

앞 한 글자 + 종신 이라는 이름을 가진 사람 찾기. %는 무엇이든. _는 한 글자. 도서에 의하면 검색 문자열의 앞에 _나 %가 들어가면 SQL Server 성능에 나쁜 영향을 끼칠 수 있다고 함.(name 열의 인덱스가 있어도 전체 데이터를 검색한다고 함)

–서브쿼리(SubQuery, 하위쿼리)–

쿼리문 속에 또다시 쿼리문이 있는 서브쿼리.

먼저 김경호의 키는 177이다.

SELECT name, height FROM userTbl WHERE height > (SELECT height FROM userTbl WHERE name=’김경호’);

김경호보다 키가 큰 사람 출력.

김경호가 177cm이므로 방금 전 쿼리와 동일한 결과가 나옴.


SELECT name, height FROM userTbl WHERE height >= (SELECT height FROM userTbl WHERE addr=’경남’);

지역이 경남인 사람보다 키가 크거나 같은 사람을 찾기. 오류가 난다. 하위 쿼리가 값을 둘 이상 반환했다고 알려줌.

서브쿼리가 173, 170 이렇게 두 개의 값을 반환하기 때문.

SELECT name, height FROM userTbl WHERE height >= ANY (SELECT height FROM userTbl WHERE addr=’경남’);

>= 연산자 뒤에 ANY를 넣는 것으로 170, 173cm보다 큰…(결국 170보다 큰) 사람을 반환함


이번엔 ALL을 써보자. 7명만 출력됨. 170보다 크거나 같을 뿐 아니라, 173보다도 크거나 같아야 한다 -> 결국 173보다 크거나 같은 사람만 반환.

–ANY 구문–

SELECT name, height FROM userTbl WHERE height = ANY (SELECT height FROM userTbl WHERE addr=’경남’);

170이거나 173cm인 사람을 출력.

–IN 구문–

SELECT name, height FROM userTbl WHERE height IN (SELECT height FROM userTbl WHERE addr=’경남’);

=ANY와 IN은 같은 의미.



참고 사이트



1. Command 창을 띄웁니다.

2. wmic 입력

3. "memorychip"  또는 "wmic memorychip" 입력

아래와 같이 나옵니다.

Attributes BankLabel Capacity Caption ConfiguredClockSpeed ConfiguredVoltage CreationClassName DataWidth Description DeviceLocator FormFactor HotSwappable InstallDate InterleaveDataDepth InterleavePosition Manufacturer MaxVoltage MemoryType MinVoltage Model Name OtherIdentifyingInfo PartNumber PositionInRow PoweredOn Removable Replaceable SerialNumber SKU SMBIOSMemoryType Speed Status Tag TotalWidth TypeDetail Version
1 BANK 0 8589934592 실제 메모리 2400 1200 Win32_PhysicalMemory 64 실제 메모리 ChannelA-DIMM0 12 Samsung 0 0 0 실제 메모리 M471A1K43BB1-CTD 00000000 26 2667 Physical Memory 0 64 128
1 BANK 2 8589934592 실제 메모리 2400 1200 Win32_PhysicalMemory 64 실제 메모리 ChannelB-DIMM0 12 Samsung


윗 방법이 귀찮을 경우

1. Command 창을 띄움니다.

2. "wmic memorychip get capacity" 입력

아래와 같이 나옵니다.




lync_monitor Supported Performance Counters

Last Updated ‎September 3, 2019

This article describes the supported performance counters of the Microsoft Lync Server Monitoring (lync_monitor) probe.


This article describes the supported performance counters of the Microsoft Lync Server Monitoring (lync_monitor) probe.


Supported Performance Counters for 2010

Following is a list of supported performance counters grouped under various Microsoft Lync Server functions:

  • All Servers

  • Front End Servers

  • Edge Server

  • Back End Server

  • Mediation Server

  • A/V Conferencing Server


All Servers




Profile Name


Performance Counter

SIP - Load Management : Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 000 - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

SIP - Peers : Average Outgoing Queue Delay

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers


SIP - 020 - Average Outgoing Queue Delay

USrv - Https Transport : Number of failed connects attempts / Sec

LS:USrv - 21 - Https Transport

USrv - 003 - Number of failed connection attempts / Sec

Front End Servers

The performance counters are further categorized in the following listed categories:

  • Lync Server Modalities

  • Individual Processes

  • SIP/IMMCU/Database Store


Lync Server Modalities




Profile Name


Performance Counter

RGS - Response Group Service Hosting: Duration of the call in milliseconds

LS : RGS- Response Group Service Hosting

RGS - Duration of call in milliseconds

RGS - Response Group Service Workflow : Attempts to open a connection to Match Making

LS:RGS- Response Group Service Workflow

RGS - Attempts to open a connection to Match Making

CPS - Call Park Service Hosting : Number of the Orbit Request failures

LS:CPS - Call Park Service Hosting

CPS - Number of the Orbit Request failures

CPS - Call Park Service Planning : Current parked calls

LS : CPS - Call Park Service Planning

CPS: Current Parked Calls

Individual Processes




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Process: % processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (ASMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (IMMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (MediationServerSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#1) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#2) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#3) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#4) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (RtcHost) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (RTCSrv) % Processor time


% Processor Time


SIP/IMMCU/Database Store Performance Counters




Profile Name


Performance Counter


USrv - DB Store : Queue Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - 01 - DBStore

USrv - 002 - Queue Latency (msec)


USrv - DBStore: Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - 01 - DB Store

USrv - 004 - Sproc Latency (msec)


USrv - DB Store : Throttled requests/sec

LS:USrv - 01 - DBStore

USrv - 020 - Throttled requests/sec


USrv - Endpoint Cache : Active registered endpoints

LS:USrv -13 - Endpoint Cache

USrv - 001 - Active Registered Endpoints


SIP - Load Management : Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 000 - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Held Above High Watermark

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 004 - Incoming Messages Held Above High Watermark


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Held Above High Overload Watermark

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 005 - Incoming Messages Held Above High Overload Watermark


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Timed Out

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 006 - Incoming Messages Timed Out


SIP - Responses : Local 500 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - 04 - Responses

SIP - 053 - Local 500 Responses/sec


SIP - Responses : Local 503 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - 04 - Responses

SIP - 055 - Local 503 Responses/sec


SIP - Responses : Local 504 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - 04 - Responses

SIP - 057 - Local 504 Responses/sec


SIP - Peers : Sends Outstanding

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers

SIP - 017 - Sends Outstanding


ImMcu - MCU Health and Performance : MCU Health State

LS:ImMcu - 02 - MCU Health and Performance

IMMCU - 005 - MCU Health State


USrv - Conference Focus Factory : Add Conference requests succeeded

LS:USrv - 23 - Conference Focus Factory

USrv - 012 - Add Conference requests succeeded


USrv - Conference Control : Local C3P failure responses

LS: USrv - 24 - Conference Control

USrv - 018 - Local C3P failure responses


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Factory Unreachable failures

LS:Usrv - 26 - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - 009 - Factory Unreachable Failures


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Factory Calls Timed-Out

LS:USrv - 26 - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - 010 - Factory Calls Timed-Out


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Create Conference Mcu Unreachable Failures

LS:USrv - 26 - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - 016 - Create Conference Mcu Unreachable Failures


MSSQL$RTC:Buffer Manager : Page life expectancy

MSSQL$RTC:Buffer Manager

Page life expectancy


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Create Conference Requests Timed-out

LS:USrv - 26 - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - 017 - Create Conference Requests Timed-Out


DATAMCU - DATAMCU Conferences : Number of Data MCU users in any role

LS:DATAMCU - 00 - Data MCU Conferences

DATAMCU - 025 - Number of Data MCU users in any role


DATAMCU - MCU Health and Performance : MCU Health State

LS:DATAMCU - 04 - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - 005 - MCU Health State


DATAMCU - MCU Health and Performance : MCU Draining State

LS:DATAMCU - 04 - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - 006 - MCU Draining State


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : CCCP Messages Retried/sec

LS:AsMcu - 02 - CCCP Processing

AsMCU - 017 - CCCP Messages Retried/sec


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : Current CCCP Message Queue Size

LS:AsMcu - 02 - CCCP Processing

ASMCU - 019 - Current CCCP Message Queue Size


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : Number of add user requests failed

LS:AVMCU - 03 - CCCP Processing

AVMCU - 030 - Number of add user requests failed


Edge Server

The performance counters of the edge server are classified as follows:

  • Access Edge SIP Component

  • Http Relay


Access Edge SIP Component




Profile Name


Performance Counter


SIP - Access Edge Server : External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain

LS:SIP - 09 - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - 001 - External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain


SIP - Access Edge Server : External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain

LS:SIP - 09 - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - 009 - External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain


SIP - Access Edge Server Messages - External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain

LS:SIP - 09 - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - 003 - External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain


HTTP Relay




Profile Name


Performance Counter

WebRelay - Reach Web relay Server : Active Sip Connection

LS:WebRelay - 00 - Reach Web Relay Server

WEBRELAY - 000 - Active Sip Connections

Backend Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Memory: % Committed Bytes In Use


Committed Bytes


Memory: Available Mbytes


Available MBytes


Memory: Cached Bytes Peak


Cache Bytes Peak


Network Interface: Bytes Total/sec

Network Interface

Bytes Total/sec

Select the NIC card installed on the lync server

Physical Disk: Avg. Disk Queue Length

Physical Disk

Avg. Disk Queue Length


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk sec/Read

Physical Disk

Avg. Disk sec/Read


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk sec/Write

Physical Disk

Avg. Disk sec/Write


Process: % processor time


% Processor Time


Process: % privilege Time


% Privilege Time


Process: % Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: % Virtual Bytes


Virtual Bytes


Processor Information: % Processor Time

Processor Information

% Processor Time


Processor Information: % Interrupt Time

Processor Information

% Interrupt Time


MSSQL$RTC:Databases (rtc) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


MSSQL$RTC:Databases (rtcdyn) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


MSSQL$RTC:Databases (tempdb) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


Mediation Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter


MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters : Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters

Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway


Audio/Video Conferencing Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter

USrv - Conference Control Notification : Incoming Get Conference requests

LS:USrv - Conference Control Notification

USrv - Incoming Get Conference requests

USrv - Conference Focus Base : ACKs received

LS:USrv - Conference Focus Base

USrv - ACKs received

Performance Baselines




Profile Name


Performance Counter


MSSQL$RTC - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTC - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTCLOCAL - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTCLOCAL:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTCLOCAL - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


WEB - Location Information Service : Average processing time for a successful Get Locations In City request in milliseconds

LS:WEB - Location Information Service

WEB - Average processing time for a successful Get Locations In City request in milliseconds


USrv - Authorize delegate sproc : Number of calls

LS:USrv - Authorize delegate sproc

USrv - Number of calls


PDP - Core - Video : Active BW Reservations

LS:PDP - Core - Video

PDP - Active BW Reservations


DATACOLLECTION - Exchange Archiving Adaptor : No Task Finish in Expected Time

LS:DATACOLLECTION - Exchange Archiving Adaptor

UDC - No Task Finish in Expected Time


DATACOLLECTION - SQL Archiving Adaptor : Number of conference activities dropped


UDC - Number of conference activities dropped


Supported Performance Counters for 2013

This section contains performance counters for Lync Server 2013.




Profile Name


Performance Counter


RGS - Response Group Service Hosting : Duration of the call in milliseconds

LS:RGS - Response Group Service Hosting

RGS - Duration of the call in milliseconds


RGS - Response Group Service Workflow : Attempts to open a connection to Match Making

LS:RGS - Response Group Service Workflow

RGS - Attempts to open a connection to Match Making


CPS - Call Park Service Hosting : Number of the Orbit request failures

LS:CPS - Call Park Service Hosting

CPS - Number of the Orbit request failures


CPS - Call Park Service Planning : Current parked calls

LS:CPS - Call Park Service Planning

CPS - Current parked calls.


DATACOLLECTION - SQL Archiving Adaptor : Number of conference activities dropped


UDC - Number of conference activities dropped


MediationServer - Global Counters : Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy

LS:MediationServer - Global Counters

-Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy


MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters : Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters

-Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway


USrv - Conference Control Notification : Incoming Get Conference requests

LS:USrv - Conference Control Notification

USrv - Incoming Get Conference requests


USrv - Conference Focus Base : ACKs received

LS:USrv - Conference Focus Base

USrv - ACKs received


MSSQL$RTC - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTC - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTCLOCAL - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTCLOCAL:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTCLOCAL - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTCLOCAL:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


USrv - Authorize delegate sproc : Number of calls

LS:USrv - Authorize delegate sproc

USrv - Number of calls


WEB - Location Information Service : Average processing time for a successful Get Locations In City request in milliseconds

LS:WEB - Location Information Service

WEB - Average processing time for a successful Get Locations In City request in milliseconds


PDP - Core - Video : Active BW Reservations

LS:PDP - Core - Video

PDP - Active BW Reservations


DATACOLLECTION - Exchange Archiving Adaptor : No Task Finish in Expected Time

LS:DATACOLLECTION - Exchange Archiving Adaptor

UDC - No Task Finish in Expected Time


Processor : %Idle Time


% Idle Time


SIP - Peers (Clients) : Connections Active

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Connections Active


ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences : Active Conferences

LS:ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Active Conferences


ImMcu - MCU Health And Performance : MCU Health state

LS:ImMcu - MCU Health And Performance

IMMCU - MCU Health State


SIP : Peers : Incoming Requests/sec

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Incoming Requests/sec


SIP : Peers : TLS Connections Active

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - TLS Connections Active


SIP : Peers : Connections Active

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Connections Active


SIP - Protocol : Incomming Messages/sec

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Incoming Messages/sec


SIP - Responses : Local 503 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - Responses

SIP - Local 503 Responses/sec


SIP - Load Management : Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages


SIP - Access Edge Server Messages : External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain

LS:SIP - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain


USrv - DBStore: Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - DBStore

USrv - Sproc Latency (msec)


SQLServer - User Settable (UserCounter 1) - Query

SQLServer:User Settable


User counter 1

AsMCU - CCCP Processing : Number of add conference requests failed

LS:AsMcu - CCCP Processing

ASMCU - Number of add conference requests failed


USrv - Rich presence service SQL calls : Publications/Sec

LS:USrv - Rich presence service SQL calls

USrv - Publications/Sec


USrv - Endpoint Cache : Active registered endpoints

LS:USrv - Endpoint Cache

USrv - Active Registered Endpoints


USrv - Https Transport : Number of failed connects attempts / Sec

LS:USrv - Https Transport

USrv - Number of failed connection attempts / Sec


USrv - Conference Focus Factory : Add Conference request succeeded

LS:USrv - Conference Focus Factory

USrv - Add Conference requests succeeded


USrv - Conference Control : Local C3P failure responses

LS:USrv - Conference Control

USrv - Local C3P failure responses


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Factory Unreachable Failures

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Factory Unreachable Failures


WebRelay - Reach Web Relay Server : Active Sip Connection

LS:WebRelay - Reach Web Relay Server

WEBRELAY - Active Sip Connections


AsMcu - AsMcu Conferences: Active Conferences

LS:AsMcu - AsMcu Conferences

ASMCU - Active Conferences


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : CCCP Messages Retried/sec

LS:AsMcu - CCCP Processing

ASMCU - CCCP Messages Retried/sec


DATAMCU - DataMCU Conferences : Active conferences

LS:DATAMCU - DataMCU Conferences

DATAMCU - Active Conferences


DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance : MCU Health State

LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - MCU Health State


MediationServer - Outbound Calls : Current

LS:MediationServer - Outbound Calls

- Current


MediationServer - Inbound Calls : Current

LS:MediationServer - Inbound Calls

- Current


MediationServer - Health Indices : Load Call Failure Index

LS:MediationServer - Health Indices

- Load Call Failure Index


MediationServer - Global Counters : Current audio channels with PSM quality recording

LS:MediationServer - Global Counters

- Current audio channels with PSM quality reporting


MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters : Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters

- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway


RGS - Response Group Service Call Control : Current Active Calls

LS:RGS - Response Group Service Call Control

RGS - Current active calls


Processor: % Processor Time


% Processor Time


MSSQL$RTC:Buffer Manager : Page life expectancy

MSSQL$RTC:Buffer Manager

Page life expectancy


Memory: % Committed Bytes In Use


% Committed Bytes In Use


Network Interface : Bytes Total/sec

Network Interface

Bytes Total/sec

Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection

Process: % previledge time


% Privileged Time


Processor Information : % Processor Time

Processor Information

% Processor Time


Process: % processor time


% Processor Time


Process: % Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (ASMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (IMMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (MediationServerSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#1) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#2) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#3) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#4) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (RTCSrv) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (RtcHost) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Memory: Available Mbytes


Available Mbytes


Memory: Cache Bytes Peak


Cache Bytes Peak


Processor Information : % Interrupt Time

Processor Information

% Interrupt Time


MSSQL$RTC:Databases(rtc) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


MSSQL$RTC:Databases(rtcdyn) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


MSSQL$RTC:Databases(tempdb) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


Memory : Pages/Sec




SIP - Access Edge Server : External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain

LS:SIP - Access Edge Server Messages

IP - External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain


SIP - Access Edge Server : External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain

LS:SIP - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk Queue Length


Avg. Disk Queue Length


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk Sec/Read


Avg. Disk sec/Read


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk Sec/Write


Avg. Disk sec/Write


Process: Virtual Bytes


Virtual Bytes


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Factory Calls Timed-Out

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Factory Calls Timed-Out


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Create Conference Mcu Unreachable Failures

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Create Conference Mcu Unreachable Failures


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Create Conference Requests Timed-Out

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Create Conference Requests Timed-Out


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : Current CCCP Message Queue Size

LS:AsMcu - CCCP Processing

ASMCU - Current CCCP Message Queue Size


AsMcu - CCCP Processing :Number of add user requests failed

LS:AVMCU - CCCP Processing

AVMCU - Number of add user requests failed


DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance : MCU Draining State

LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - MCU Draining State


DATAMCU - DataMCU Conferences : Number of Data MCU users in any role

LS:DATAMCU - DataMCU Conferences

DATAMCU - Number of Data MCU users in any role


SIP - Peers : Average Outgoing Queue Delay

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Average Outgoing Queue Delay


AsMcu - AsMcu Conferences : Connected Users

LS:AsMcu - AsMcu Conferences

ASMCU - Connected Users


ImMcu - ImMcu Conferences : Connected Users

LS:ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Connected Users


USrv - DB Store : Throttled requests/sec

LS:USrv - DBStore

USrv - Throttled requests/sec


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Held Above High Watermark

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Incoming Messages Held Above High Watermark


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Held Above High Overload Watermark

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Incoming Messages Held Above Overload Watermark


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Timed out

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Incoming Messages Timed out


USrv - DB Store : Queue Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - DBStore

USrv - Queue Latency (msec)


SIP - Responses : Local 500 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - Responses

SIP - Local 500 Responses/sec


SIP - Responses : Local 504 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - Responses

SIP - Local 504 Responses/sec


SIP - Peers : Sends Outstanding

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Sends Outstanding


MediationServer - Outbound Calls : Active media bypass calls

LS:MediationServer - Outbound Calls

- Active media bypass calls


MediationServer - Inbound Calls : Active media bypass calls

LS:MediationServer - Inbound Calls

- Active media bypass calls


MediationServer - Media Relay : Media Connectivity Check Failure

LS:MediationServer - Media Relay

- Media Connectivity Check Failure


MEDIA - Planning : Number of occasions conference processing is delayed

LS:MEDIA - Planning

MEDIA - Number of occasions conference processing is delayed significantly


SipEps - SipEps Connections : NumberOfDNSResolutionFailures

LS:SipEps - SipEps Connections

SipEps - NumberOfDNSResolutionFailures


ImMcu - IMMcuSvc Conferences : Active Conferences

LS:ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Active Conferences


ImMcu - IMMcuSvc Conferences : Connected Users

LS:ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Connected Users


Process : (AVMCUSvc)% Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (DataMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (MeetingMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (ASMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process : (AVMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (DataMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (MeetingMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private ByteProcesss


Common Performance Counters




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Processor: % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (IMMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Network Interface : Bytes Total/sec

Network Interface

Bytes Total/sec

Select the NIC card installed on the lync server

SIP : Peers : Incoming Requests/sec

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers

SIP - 028 - Incoming Requests/sec


SIP : Peers : TLS Connections Active

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers

SIP - 001 - TLS Connections Active


SIP : Peers : Connections Active

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers

SIP - 000 - Connections Active


SIP - Protocol : Incoming Messages/sec

LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol

SIP - 001 - Incoming Messages/sec


ImMcu - IMMcuSvc Conferences : Active Conferences

LS:ImMcu - 00 - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - 000 - Active Conferences


ImMcu - IMMcuSvc Conferences : Connected Users

LS:ImMcu - 00 - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - 001 - Connected Users


Memory : Pages/Sec




Process: (ASMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (AVMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process : (DATAMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process : (MeetingMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (ASMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (AVMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (DataMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (Meeting MCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Performance Counters for User-defined Profiles

The default configuration of the probe contains some selected profiles for monitoring and also lets you define your own profiles. The performance counters for those profiles are mentioned in the following table:




Group Name

Counter Name


\LS:SIP - 09 - Access Edge\SIP - 001 - External Messages/sec Received With IM Service Provider Domain

EDGE SERVER (the A/V Conferencing Edge component


(audio/video and application sharing)

LS:A/V Edge - 001 - Active Relay Sessions - Authenticated


LS:A/V Edge - 002 - Active Relay Sessions - Allocated Port


LS:A/V Edge - 003 - Active Relay Sessions - Data


LS:A/V Edge - 004 - Allocated Port Pool Count


LS:A/V Edge - 005 - Allocated Port Pool Miss Count


LS:A/V Edge - 006 - Allocate Requests/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 009 - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit


LS:A/V Edge - 012 - Alternate Server Redirects


LS:A/V Edge - 019 - Session Idle Timeouts/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 021 - Packets Received/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 022 - Packets Sent/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 025 - Average Data Packet Latency (milliseconds)


LS:A/V Edge - 030 - Packets Dropped/sec

EDGE SERVER (A/V Edge - TCP Counters)

LS:A/V Edge - 001 - Active Relay Sessions - Authenticated


LS:A/V Edge - 002 - Active Relay Sessions - Allocated Port


LS:A/V Edge - 003 - Active Relay Sessions - Data


LS:A/V Edge - 004 - Allocated Port Pool Count


LS:A/V Edge - 005 - Allocated Port Pool Miss Count


LS:A/V Edge - 006 - Allocate Requests/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 009 - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit


LS:A/V Edge - 012 - Alternate Server Redirects


LS:A/V Edge - 019 - Session Idle Timeouts/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 021 - Packets Received/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 022 - Packets Sent/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 025 - Average Data Packet Latency (milliseconds)


LS:A/V Edge - 030 - Packets Dropped/sec


SQLServer:User Settable\User Counter 1

Supported KHI Counters

The supported KHI counters are grouped under following Microsoft Lync Server functions:

  • All Servers

  • Front End Servers

  • Edge Server

  • Back End Server

  • Mediation Server

  • A/V Conferencing Server


These counters are supported on the Lync Server versions 2013, and 2015.

All Servers




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Processor Information(*)\% Processor Time

Processor Information

% Processor Time


Memory\Available Mbytes


Available Mbytes


Network Interface(*)\Output Queue Length

Network Interface

Output Queue Length


Network Interface(*)\Packets Outbound Discarded

Network Interface

Packets Outbound Discarded


Network Interface(*)\Packets Received Discarded

Network Interface

Packets Received Discarded


PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read


Avg. Disk sec/Read


PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write


Avg. Disk sec/Write


SQL Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter

MSSQL$INSTANCE:Buffer Manager\Page life expectancy


Page life expectancy

Front End Servers




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Usrv - DBStore\Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - DBStore

Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)


Usrv - DBStore\Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - DBStore

Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)


Usrv - DBStore\Usrv - Throttled requests/sec

LS:Usrv - DBStore

Usrv - Throttled requests/sec


Usrv - REGDBStore\Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - REGDBStore

Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)


Usrv - REGDBStore\Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - REGDBStore

Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)


Usrv - REGDBStore\Usrv - Throttled requests/sec

LS:Usrv - REGDBStore

Usrv - Throttled requests/sec


Usrv - SharedDBStore\Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - SharedDBStore

Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)


Usrv - SharedDBStore\Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - SharedDBStore

Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)


Usrv - SharedDBStore\Usrv - Throttled requests/sec

LS:Usrv - SharedDBStore

Usrv - Throttled requests/sec


SIP - Authentication\SIP - Authentication System Errors/sec

LS:SIP - Authentication

SIP - Authentication System Errors/sec


SIP - Load Management\SIP - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages


SIP - Load Management\SIP - Incoming Messages Timed out

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Incoming Messages Timed out


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Average outgoing Queue Delay

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Average outgoing Queue Delay


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Flow-controlled Connections

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Flow-controlled Connections


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Sends Timed-Out/sec

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Sends Timed-Out/sec


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Average Incoming Message Processing Time

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Average Incoming Message Processing Time


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Incoming Requests Dropped/sec

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Incoming Requests Dropped/sec


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Incoming Responses Dropped/sec

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Incoming Responses Dropped/sec


SIP - Responses\SIP - Local 503 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - Responses

SIP - Local 503 Responses/sec


Usrv - Cluster Manager\Usrv - Number of failures of replication operations sent to other Replicas per second

LS:Usrv - Cluster Manager

Usrv - Number of failures of replication operations sent to other Replicas per second


XMPPFederation - SIP Instant Messaging\XMPPFederation - Failure IMDNs sent/sec

LS:XMPPFederation - SIP Instant Messaging

XMPPFederation - Failure IMDNs sent/sec


RoutingApps - Emergency Call Routing\RoutingApps - Number of incoming failure responses

LS:RoutingApps - Emergency Call Routing

RoutingApps - Number of incoming failure responses


CAA - Operations\CAA - Incomplete calls per sec

LS:CAA - Operations

CAA - Incomplete calls per sec


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator\USrv - Create Conference Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Create Conference Latency (msec)


ASP.NET Apps v4.0.30319(*)\Requests Rejected

ASP.NET Apps v4.0.30319

Requests Rejected


JoinLauncher - Join Launcher Service Failures\JOINLAUNCHER - Join Failures

LS:JoinLauncher - Join Launcher Service Failures

JOINLAUNCHER - Join Failures


WEB - Address Book File Download\WEB - Failed File Requests/Second

LS:WEB - Address Book File Download

WEB - Failed File Requests/Second


WEB - Address Book Web Query\WEB - Failed search requests/sec

LS:WEB - Address Book Web Query

WEB - Failed search requests/sec


WEB - Auth Provider related calls\WEB - Failed validate cert calls to the cert auth provider

LS:WEB - Auth Provider related calls

WEB - Failed validate cert calls to the cert auth provider


WEB - Distribution List Expansion\WEB - Timed out Active Directory Requests/sec

LS:WEB - Distribution List Expansion

WEB - Timed out Active Directory Requests/sec


WEB - UCWA\UCWA - HTTP 5xx Responses/Second


UCWA - HTTP 5xx Responses/Second


ASMCU - MCU Health And Performance\ASMCU - MCU Health State

LS:ASMCU - MCU Health And Performance

ASMCU - MCU Health State


AVMCU - MCU Health And Performance\AVMCU - MCU Health State

LS:AVMCU - MCU Health And Performance

AVMCU - MCU Health State


DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance\DATAMCU - MCU Health State

LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - MCU Health State


IMMCU - MCU Health And Performance\IMMCU - MCU Health State

LS:IMMCU - MCU Health And Performance

IMMCU - MCU Health State


IMMCU - IMMcu Conferences\IMMCU - Throttled Sip Connections

LS:IMMCU - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Throttled Sip Connections


Mediation Servers




Profile Name


Performance Counter

MediationServer - Global Counters\- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy

LS:MediationServer - Global Counters

- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy

MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters(*)\- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters

- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

MediationServer - Health Indices\- Load Call Failure Index

LS:MediationServer - Health Indices

- Load Call Failure Index

MediationServer - Media Relay\- Candidates Missing

LS:MediationServer - Media Relay

- Candidates Missing

MediationServer - Media Relay\- Media Connectivity Check Failure

LS:MediationServer - Media Relay

- Media Connectivity Check Failure

Video Integration Server

These counters are supported only on the Lync Server version 2015.




Profile Name


Performance Counter

VISSvc - VISSvc\VIS - Total Calls declined due to load


- Total Calls declined due to load

VISSvc - VISSvc\VIS - Total Proxy Leg Call Failures


- Total Proxy Leg Call Failures

VISSvc - VISSvc\VIS - Total Interop Leg Call Failures


- Total Interop Leg Call Failures

Edge Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter


A/V Edge - UDP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Authentication Failures/sec

LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters

A/V Edge - Authentication Failures/sec


A/V Edge - UDP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit

LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters

A/V Edge - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit


A/V Edge - UDP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Packets Dropped/sec

LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters

A/V Edge - Packets Dropped/sec


A/V Edge - TCP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Authentication Failures/sec

LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters

A/V Edge - Authentication Failures/sec


A/V Edge - TCP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit

LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters

A/V Edge - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit


A/V Edge - TCP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Packets Dropped/sec

LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters

A/V Edge - Packets Dropped/sec


DATAPROXY - Server Connections(*)\DATAPROXY - System is throttling

LS:DATAPROXY - Server Connections

DATAPROXY - System is throttling


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Above Limit Connections Dropped (Access Proxies only)

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Above Limit Connections Dropped (Access Proxies only)


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Sends Timed-Out/sec

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Sends Timed-Out/sec


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Flow-controlled Connections

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Flow-controlled Connections


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Incoming Requests Dropped/sec

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Incoming Requests Dropped/sec


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Average Incoming Message Processing Time

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Average Incoming Message Processing Time


XmppFederationProxy - Streams\XmppFederationProxy - Failed inbound stream establishes/sec

LS:XmppFederationProxy - Streams

XmppFederationProxy - Failed inbound stream establishes/sec


XmppFederationProxy - Streams\XmppFederationProxy - Failed outbound stream establishes/sec

LS:XmppFederationProxy - Streams

XmppFederationProxy - Failed outbound stream establishes/sec


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