
Its been a while with no updates and it's not that I haven't been working hard, it's that I have been doing a lot of stuff directly with the API of systems like WHMCS or NetBox, which have an extremely low appeal to anyone not working in the service provider space, so haven't been adding it all to the blog. If anyone wants me to add this stuff please just get in touch and I will put it on.

I was recently asked to create a function that would allow you to set the IP address of a virtual machine from the host in a Hyper-V environment.

Getting this working for Windows was pretty easy:

function Set-VMIp {

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $VMhost -ArgumentList $IPaddress, $Mask, $Gatew, $VMname  -ScriptBlock {

[string]$VMname = $args[3]

$VMManServ =  Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization\v2 -Class Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService

$vm = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\virtualization\v2' -Class 'Msvm_ComputerSystem' | Where-Object { $_.ElementName -eq $VMname }

$vmSettings = $vm.GetRelated('Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData') | Where-Object { $_.VirtualSystemType -eq 'Microsoft:Hyper-V:System:Realized' } 

$nwAdapters = $vmSettings.GetRelated('Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData') 

$ipstuff = $nwAdapters.getrelated('Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration')

$ipstuff.DHCPEnabled = $false
$ipstuff.DNSServers = ""
$ipstuff.IPAddresses = $args[0]
$ipstuff.Subnets = $args[1]
$ipstuff.DefaultGateways = $args[2]

$setIP = $VMManServ.SetGuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration($VM, $ipstuff.GetText(1))

I can't really claim this as all being my own work, I used a blog post from a Microsoft employee, head of product dev or something or other. Unfortunately, I can't seem to source the link right now to give proper credit. You dont really need to see it though. His post was pretty hardcore and mine is much easier, I promise.


There is nothing more annoying than when people leave ISO's mounted to VM's. It drives me mad.This little script will list machines that have ISO's mounted and then if you like you bulk unmount them. Enjoy

This will just list all your VM's and show you the status od the DVD drive :

$clusternodes = Get-ClusterNode

ForEach ($clusternode in $clusternodes)
{get-VM -ComputerName $clusternode.Name | Get-VMDvdDrive }`

If you want to bulk unmount them its the same command with a little bit at the end

$clusternodes = Get-ClusterNode

ForEach ($clusternode in $clusternodes)
{get-VM -ComputerName $clusternode.Name | Get-VMDvdDrive | Set-VMDvdDrive -Path $null}`

This will recurse through ever node in your cluster, so if you have a large environment, don't panic, it will take a while.


I have written a guide on testing storage with VM-fleet that goes well with this.

Generally speaking when testing something new I will build it and tear it down a few times before I'm happy. Then when I'm sure I know what I'm doing I will do a final build from a build checklist that I have made, or a script if it's appropriate. That way I can be sure that I have done everything I need to do, the hosts are consistent and I have a record for future reference.

This is round 2 of my cycle so there may still be some errors. I will correct later if I find anything in round 3.


Storage spaces direct (S2D) wants all the hosts to be similar, in that they have the same type and amount of disks, and I would also recommend the same CPU. The storage CPU load for each volume takes place on the host that owns that volume. I think having mismatched CPU's would probably affect the performance of that volume significantly. You also need multiple RDMA capable 10GB interfaces.

I have 3 hosts that look like this:-

HP DL380 Gen9
Dual E5-2640v5
2 x Chelsio 10GB network cards
1 x HP P440 Raid controller.
2 x HP H240 HBA
16 x 480GB Intel enterprise SSD's
2 x SATA drives

Switching, I have a pair of Arista switches for the 10GB and some Aruba affair for the 1GB.

I should also point out that this is currently POC kit bought specifically for this and that once I am happy with it all we will likely use this same kit in our public cloud environment.

The physical architecture is your standard cluster with redundant networks. I'm not going to document that but here.


First thing is to install Windows Server 2016 and all its updates. It also a good idea to properly name all your NIC interfaces as that will make it a lot easier to identify them later on.

Next, we need to install all the windows features required for S2D. This script should get them all in one go

Install-WindowsFeature -Name "Data-Center-Bridging","Failover-Clustering","Hyper-V","RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell","RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt","Hyper-V-PowerShell" -Restart  

This will likely need a reboot.

Once all this is done we can start putting together the required networking. This requires a little thought.


S2D uses switch embedded teaming (SET). This is not the same as the switch teaming you may have used before. It has no GUI and can only be done from PowerShell. You need to be using SET in order to use the RDMA feature of your network cards. Switch embedded teaming also has support for some other features not available in standard NIC teaming. Microsoft has written a lovely little guide for you here. I warn you it's pretty long...

Depending on your choice of NIC you may also need to do some additional switch config to get RDMA to work. I chose a Chelsio card that has an RDMA implantation called iWarp, that doesn't need any specific switch config. It seemed like the easiest thing to do.

Now we start. The first thing we need to do is to create a QoS policy and give SMB high priority and a guaranteed allocation. You don't need to do this but it makes sense, especially in a hyper-converged environment where there may be resource contention.

You need to execute the following commands on all the servers that you plan to be in your cluster.

New-NetQosPolicy "SMB" -NetDirectPortMatchCondition 445 -PriorityValue8021Action 3

Enable-NetQosFlowControl -Priority 3

Disable-NetQosFlowControl -Priority 0,1,2,4,5,6,7

New-NetQosTrafficClass "SMB" –Priority 3 –BandwidthPercentage 30 –Algorithm ETS

The last line of that code essentially reserves 30% of the network specifically for S2D, which is what we want.

Now we need to enable the QoS policy on the relevant interfaces. To get a list of the NIC's run the following

Get-NetAdapter | FT Name, InterfaceDescription, Status, LinkSpeed

Which will give you something like this

  Name                  InterfaceDescription                         Status   LinkSpeed
----                  --------------------                         ------       -------
StorageNIC1           Chelsio Network Adapter #4                   Up           10 Gbps  
Ethernet 3            Chelsio Network Adapter #3                   Disconnected 0 bps    
VLAN 10               Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver Up           2 Gbps   
StorageNIC2           Chelsio Network Adapter #2                   Up           10 Gbps  
Ethernet              Chelsio Network Adapter                      Disconnected 0 bps    
Embedded LOM 1 Port 4 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter #4       Disconnected 0 bps    
Embedded LOM 1 Port 3 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter #3       Disconnected 0 bps    
Embedded LOM 1 Port 2 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter #2       Up           1 Gbps   
Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter          Up           1 Gbps  

I need the policy on my 10GB storage interfaces, which I helpfully labeled during the hardware install. The other 2 are for migration and client traffic so won't be used for storage traffic and therefor don't need the policy.

Enable-NetAdapterQos –Name "StorageNIC1","StorageNIC2"

That bit is not done. We need to create the virtual switch and sort out the teaming (SET)

Again we will need the name of the storage NICs, which you should have from the previous step.

So we create the vSwitch

New-VMSwitch –Name vStorage –NetAdapterName "StorageNIC1", "StorageNIC2" –EnableEmbeddedTeaming $true

And now for the bit that I struggled to grasp for a while. Creating the vSwitch creates a single interface that has the name of the switch. This seems like it would be the vNIC you should be using. However, in testing, I have discovered that if I assign an IP to this vNIC and simulate failure in the physical NICS it does fail-over, but it takes a long time. Too long. So what we do is create 2 additional vNICs connected to the vSwitch, and map them to the physical. Essentially creating 2 diverse paths and allowing us to use the full 20GB of the network.

If one of the NIC's fails they IP will still fail-over to the other, and it still takes a long time, however, it doesn't matter due to the second path.

Add-VMNetworkAdapter –SwitchName vStorage –Name SMB_1 –managementOS
Add-VMNetworkAdapter –SwitchName vStorage –Name SMB_2 –managementOS
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName "SMB_1" -VlanId 48 -Access -ManagementOS
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName "SMB_2" -VlanId 48 -Access -ManagementOS

Once this is done restart the vNICs

Restart-NetAdapter "vEthernet (SMB_1)"
Restart-NetAdapter "vEthernet (SMB_2)"

And then we enable RDMA on these vNICS

Enable-NetAdapterRDMA "vEthernet (SMB_1)", "vEthernet (SMB_2)"

Finally, we assign them to a physical interface.

Set-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -VMNetworkAdapterName "SMB_1" –ManagementOS –PhysicalNetAdapterName "StorageNIC1"
Set-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -VMNetworkAdapterName "SMB_2" –ManagementOS –PhysicalNetAdapterName StorageNIC2"

Now we check if the relevant interfaces are set up correctly.


You should see this

Interface Index RSS Capable RDMA Capable Speed    IpAddresses   Friendly Name                                      
--------------- ----------- ------------ -----    -----------   -----------                                    

49              True        True         20 Gbps  {fe80::1964:a4a2:5f4d:b7e8,}     vEthernet (SMB_1)                                  
53              True        True         20 Gbps  {fe80::ac59:19fa:1685:1247,}     vEthernet (SMB_2)       

RDMA is enabled.

At this point, it's a good idea to assign your IP address and do some testing. Make sure things fail-over as expected, at the very least to make yourself familiar with what to expect from this sort of configuration.

That's the networking done, now we move onto creating the cluster.


The first thing to do is some cluster tests to make sure we haven't forgotten anything.

Test-Cluster –Node MachineName1, MachineName2, MachineName3, –Include "Storage Spaces Direct", "Inventory", "Network", "System Configuration"

For me this threw up an error. The vNIC that is created when we created the switch I mentioned earlier has no IP config assigned. You can ignore this or better still disable that interface. Once I did this the cluster validation came back as OK. So now we can move on and create the cluster.

New-Cluster -Name clustername -StaticAddress x.x.x.x –Node MachineName1, MachineName2, MachineName3, –NoStorage

You need the -NoStrage argument as otherwise it will capture all the disks and add them to the cluster. You don't want this yet.

Now depending how many nodes you have you may want to create a witness for the cluster, in the form of another server of a quorum. I assume you know how to so that and will if needed.


Now we get to the part where we enable storage spaces direct and add the S2D compatible disks to the storage pool. According to Microsoft S2D wants "Clean" disks. No existing partition data on them and give you this script to clean your disks.

icm (Get-Cluster -Name <cluster or node name> | Get-ClusterNode) {


Get-StoragePool | ? IsPrimordial -eq $false | Set-StoragePool -IsReadOnly:$false -
ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Get-StoragePool | ? IsPrimordial -eq $false | Get-VirtualDisk | Remove-VirtualDisk -
Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Get-StoragePool | ? IsPrimordial -eq $false | Remove-StoragePool -Confirm:$false -
ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Get-PhysicalDisk | Reset-PhysicalDisk -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Get-Disk | ? Number -ne $null | ? IsBoot -ne $true | ? IsSystem -ne $true | ? 
PartitionStyle -ne RAW | % {

$_ | Set-Disk -isoffline:$false

$_ | Set-Disk -isreadonly:$false

$_ | Clear-Disk -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false

$_ | Set-Disk -isreadonly:$true

$_ | Set-Disk -isoffline:$true


Get-Disk |? Number -ne $null |? IsBoot -ne $true |? IsSystem -ne $true |? PartitionStyle -eq RAW | Group -NoElement -Property FriendlyName

} | Sort -Property PsComputerName,Count

Out of curiosity I tried to enable S2D with out doing this and unsurprisingly it failed. Don't skip this step, but also be aware this will flatten all the disks in the host. If you want to be more precise you may want to try using DiskPart.

Finally we enable storage spaces direct.

Enable-ClusterStorageSpacesDirect –CimSession <ClusterName>

And we are done. You can now create vdisks and Volumes from the GUI if you wish but I would recommend that you use New-Volume in PowerShell as there are some specifics you may want to add to you new disks.

I will write another guide on that next I think.

If you have any feedback on this please comment bellow.


This article explains the resiliency options available and outlines the scale requirements, storage efficiency, and general advantages and tradeoffs of each.


Storage Spaces Direct provides fault tolerance, often called "resiliency," for your data. Its implementation is similar to RAID, except distributed across servers and implemented in software.

As with RAID, there are a few different ways Storage Spaces can do this, which make different tradeoffs between fault tolerance, storage efficiency, and compute complexity. These broadly fall into two categories: "mirroring" and "parity," the latter sometimes called "erasure coding."


Mirroring provides fault tolerance by keeping multiple copies of all data. This most closely resembles RAID-1. How that data is striped and placed is non-trivial (see this blog to learn more), but it is absolutely true to say that any data stored using mirroring is written, in its entirety, multiple times. Each copy is written to different physical hardware (different drives in different servers) that are assumed to fail independently.

You can choose between two flavors of mirroring – "two-way" and "three-way."

Two-way mirror

Two-way mirroring writes two copies of everything. Its storage efficiency is 50 percent – to write 1 TB of data, you need at least 2 TB of physical storage capacity. Likewise, you need at least two hardware 'fault domains' – with Storage Spaces Direct, that means two servers.


If you have more than two servers, we recommend using three-way mirroring instead.

Three-way mirror

Three-way mirroring writes three copies of everything. Its storage efficiency is 33.3 percent – to write 1 TB of data, you need at least 3 TB of physical storage capacity. Likewise, you need at least three hardware fault domains – with Storage Spaces Direct, that means three servers.

Three-way mirroring can safely tolerate at least two hardware problems (drive or server) at a time. For example, if you're rebooting one server when suddenly another drive or server fails, all data remains safe and continuously accessible.


Parity encoding, often called "erasure coding," provides fault tolerance using bitwise arithmetic, which can get remarkably complicated. The way this works is less obvious than mirroring, and there are many great online resources (for example, this third-party Dummies Guide to Erasure Coding) that can help you get the idea. Sufficed to say it provides better storage efficiency without compromising fault tolerance.

Storage Spaces offers two flavors of parity – "single" parity and "dual" parity, the latter employing an advanced technique called "local reconstruction codes" at larger scales.


We recommend using mirroring for most performance-sensitive workloads. To learn more about how to balance performance and capacity depending on your workload, see Plan volumes.

Single parity

Single parity keeps only one bitwise parity symbol, which provides fault tolerance against only one failure at a time. It most closely resembles RAID-5. To use single parity, you need at least three hardware fault domains – with Storage Spaces Direct, that means three servers. Because three-way mirroring provides more fault tolerance at the same scale, we discourage using single parity. But, it's there if you insist on using it, and it is fully supported.


We discourage using single parity because it can only safely tolerate one hardware failure at a time: if you're rebooting one server when suddenly another drive or server fails, you will experience downtime. If you only have three servers, we recommend using three-way mirroring. If you have four or more, see the next section.

Dual parity

Dual parity implements Reed-Solomon error-correcting codes to keep two bitwise parity symbols, thereby providing the same fault tolerance as three-way mirroring (i.e. up to two failures at once), but with better storage efficiency. It most closely resembles RAID-6. To use dual parity, you need at least four hardware fault domains – with Storage Spaces Direct, that means four servers. At that scale, the storage efficiency is 50% – to store 2 TB of data, you need 4 TB of physical storage capacity.

The storage efficiency of dual parity increases the more hardware fault domains you have, from 50 percent up to 80 percent. For example, at seven (with Storage Spaces Direct, that means seven servers) the efficiency jumps to 66.7 percent – to store 4 TB of data, you need just 6 TB of physical storage capacity.

See the Summary section for the efficiency of dual party and local reconstruction codes at every scale.

Local reconstruction codes

Storage Spaces introduces an advanced technique developed by Microsoft Research called "local reconstruction codes," or LRC. At large scale, dual parity uses LRC to split its encoding/decoding into a few smaller groups, to reduce the overhead required to make writes or recover from failures.

With hard disk drives (HDD) the group size is four symbols; with solid-state drives (SSD), the group size is six symbols. For example, here's what the layout looks like with hard disk drives and 12 hardware fault domains (meaning 12 servers) – there are two groups of four data symbols. It achieves 72.7 percent storage efficiency.

We recommend this in-depth yet eminently readable walk-through of how local reconstruction codes handle various failure scenarios, and why they're appealing, by Claus Joergensen.

Mirror-accelerated parity

A Storage Spaces Direct volume can be part mirror and part parity. Writes land first in the mirrored portion and are gradually moved into the parity portion later. Effectively, this is using mirroring to accelerate erasure coding.

To mix three-way mirror and dual parity, you need at least four fault domains, meaning four servers.

The storage efficiency of mirror-accelerated parity is in between what you'd get from using all mirror or all parity, and depends on the proportions you choose. For example, the demo at the 37-minute mark of this presentation shows various mixes achieving 46 percent, 54 percent, and 65 percent efficiency with 12 servers.


We recommend using mirroring for most performance-sensitive workloads. To learn more about how to balance performance and capacity depending on your workload, see Plan volumes.


This section summarizes the resiliency types available in Storage Spaces Direct, the minimum scale requirements to use each type, how many failures each type can tolerate, and the corresponding storage efficiency.

Resiliency types

ResiliencyFailure toleranceStorage efficiency
Two-way mirror 1 50.0%
Three-way mirror 2 33.3%
Dual parity 2 50.0% - 80.0%
Mixed 2 33.3% - 80.0%

Minimum scale requirements

ResiliencyMinimum required fault domains
Two-way mirror 2
Three-way mirror 3
Dual parity 4
Mixed 4


Unless you are using chassis or rack fault tolerance, the number of fault domains refers to the number of servers. The number of drives in each server does not affect which resiliency types you can use, as long as you meet the minimum requirements for Storage Spaces Direct.

Dual parity efficiency for hybrid deployments

This table shows the storage efficiency of dual parity and local reconstruction codes at each scale for hybrid deployments which contain both hard disk drives (HDD) and solid-state drives (SSD).

Fault domainsLayoutEfficiency
4 RS 2+2 50.0%
5 RS 2+2 50.0%
6 RS 2+2 50.0%
7 RS 4+2 66.7%
8 RS 4+2 66.7%
9 RS 4+2 66.7%
10 RS 4+2 66.7%
11 RS 4+2 66.7%
12 LRC (8, 2, 1) 72.7%
13 LRC (8, 2, 1) 72.7%
14 LRC (8, 2, 1) 72.7%
15 LRC (8, 2, 1) 72.7%
16 LRC (8, 2, 1) 72.7%

Dual parity efficiency for all-flash deployments

This table shows the storage efficiency of dual parity and local reconstruction codes at each scale for all-flash deployments which contain only solid-state drives (SSD). The parity layout can use larger group sizes and achieve better storage efficiency in an all-flash configuration.

Fault domainsLayoutEfficiency
4 RS 2+2 50.0%
5 RS 2+2 50.0%
6 RS 2+2 50.0%
7 RS 4+2 66.7%
8 RS 4+2 66.7%
9 RS 6+2 75.0%
10 RS 6+2 75.0%
11 RS 6+2 75.0%
12 RS 6+2 75.0%
13 RS 6+2 75.0%
14 RS 6+2 75.0%
15 RS 6+2 75.0%
16 LRC (12, 2, 1) 80.0%


Unless you have only two servers, we recommend using three-way mirroring and/or dual parity, because they offer better fault tolerance. Specifically, they ensure that all data remains safe and continuously accessible even when two fault domains – with Storage Spaces Direct, that means two servers - are affected by simultaneous failures.

Examples where everything stays online

These six examples show what three-way mirroring and/or dual parity can tolerate.

  • 1. One drive lost (includes cache drives)
  • 2. One server lost

  • 3. One server and one drive lost
  • 4. Two drives lost in different servers

  • 5. More than two drives lost, so long as at most two servers are affected
  • 6. Two servers lost

...in every case, all volumes will stay online. (Make sure your cluster maintains quorum.)

Examples where everything goes offline

Over its lifetime, Storage Spaces can tolerate any number of failures, because it restores to full resiliency after each one, given sufficient time. However, at most two fault domains can safely be affected by failures at any given moment. The following are therefore examples of what three-way mirroring and/or dual parity cannot tolerate.

  • 7. Drives lost in three or more servers at once
  • 8. Three or more servers lost at once


Check out Create volumes.

Next steps

For further reading on subjects mentioned in this article, see the following:


Adding a Hyper-V host to SCVMM is pretty straight forward, I would only hope so, since they are both Microsoft products. Well, as quick as it is to add a Hyper-V host, adding an ESX/vCenter is just as quick. Here are the steps I took to add an ESX host and vCenter appliance to SCVMM 2012 R2.

Some prerequisites, well, I am assuming you have already deployed an ESX/ESXi server which also has a vCenter appliance installed and configured with a static IP and hostname. In my lab, I have vCenter installed on the ESX host itself. I am also assuming your SCVMM and ESX/ESXi environment(s) are able to communicate with one another.

  • Launch the SCVMM console
  • Create a Run As account, here I used the default VMware credentials (root/vmware)
  • Under the Fabric pane, and under the Servers > Infrastructure Node, right click on vCenter Servers, and add a new VMware vCenter Server


  • Input the vCenter IP address, leaving the TCP/IP port as default (443)
  • Also, specify the Run As account, select the one you created back at Step 2
  • Keep Communicate with VMware ESX host in secure mode enabled


  • Next, if the Run As account validated successfully, you should now get an Import Certificate prompt. Select Import


  • You can view the status of the new addition within the Jobs window


  • If all went smoothly, your vCenter appliance/server should now be within the vCenter Servers view!

  • Next, you will want to essentially the same steps above, but this time, we will add the ESX host
  • Select, Add VMware ESX Hosts and Clusters

  • Hopefully here it should auto populate the search with the host, if not, search for it, using its IP or hostname

  • If all went went, proper Run As account, etc. etc, then it should soon be visible within the Server > All  Hosts view. Confirm by viewing the Jobs window for any errors/messages.



Adding a Hyper-V host to SCVMM is pretty straight forward, I would only hope so, since they are both Microsoft products. Well, as quick as it is to add a Hyper-V host, adding an ESX/vCenter is just as quick. Here are the steps I took to add an ESX host and vCenter appliance to SCVMM 2012 R2.

Some prerequisites, well, I am assuming you have already deployed an ESX/ESXi server which also has a vCenter appliance installed and configured with a static IP and hostname. In my lab, I have vCenter installed on the ESX host itself. I am also assuming your SCVMM and ESX/ESXi environment(s) are able to communicate with one another.

  • Launch the SCVMM console
  • Create a Run As account, here I used the default VMware credentials (root/vmware)
  • Under the Fabric pane, and under the Servers > Infrastructure Node, right click on vCenter Servers, and add a new VMware vCenter Server


  • Input the vCenter IP address, leaving the TCP/IP port as default (443)
  • Also, specify the Run As account, select the one you created back at Step 2
  • Keep Communicate with VMware ESX host in secure mode enabled


  • Next, if the Run As account validated successfully, you should now get an Import Certificate prompt. Select Import


  • You can view the status of the new addition within the Jobs window


  • If all went smoothly, your vCenter appliance/server should now be within the vCenter Servers view!

  • Next, you will want to essentially the same steps above, but this time, we will add the ESX host
  • Select, Add VMware ESX Hosts and Clusters

  • Hopefully here it should auto populate the search with the host, if not, search for it, using its IP or hostname

  • If all went went, proper Run As account, etc. etc, then it should soon be visible within the Server > All  Hosts view. Confirm by viewing the Jobs window for any errors/messages.



This blog post should have been posted quite some time ago, however, after numerous revisions and the details in the post, you’ll understand why.

In this post I will demonstrate creating a converged network fabric in SCVMM 2012R2. This converged network will consist of logical network adapters, QoS, NIC (vNIC) teaming, and network adapters.

Step 1, Understand your infrastructure

To begin, my environment is using a Cisco UCS (B200 M4) back end, with Cisco Nexus 9K switches and of course Hyper-V (Windows 2012R2) as its hypervisor. The UCS profile used here, has been provisioned with 7 vNICs and dedicated VLANs for each vNIC to isolate the traffic between the networks. The 7 vNICs for the following jobs (see below). All vNICS have a 10GB interface.

  1. iSCSI-A (traffic to the SAN controller 1)
  2. iSCSI-B (traffic to the SAN controller 2)
  3. CSV-Heartbeat
  4. Live Migration
  5. Management
  6. Server-A (VM Production traffic)
  7. Server-B (VM Production traffic)

Server-A and Server-B vNICs we will team, but we will get into that later.

Step 2, we need understand what all these vNICs are intended for. The logical networks below illustrate the purpose of each network.

  1. SAN/Storage (1) (iSCSI-A) – This network will be for access storage via iSCSI on SAN controller 1. In this environment, we will have two VLANs for redundancy, thus two iSCSI networks.
  2. SAN/Storage (2) (iSCSI-B) – see above. This network will be for access storage via iSCSI on SAN controller 2.
  3. Live Migration – This network will be communication between the hypervisors to transfer VM memory, states, etc.
  4. CSV/Heartbeat – This network will be used by the cluster to communicate a healthy (online) state of the environment.
  5. Management – This network will be used to manage the Hyper-V/hypervisors. SCVMM will make use of this network to communicate to the Hyper-V nodes.
  6. VM Traffic (Server-A + Server-B) – This network will be intended communication for VMs and VMs only. This will be not only a redundant network, but a teamed network to allow additional I/O throughout. As mentioned, all vNICs are on a 10GB interface, teaming these two vNICs/networks will allow I/O to operate at 20GB/s.

Please refer to Microsoft article further details, HERE.

Step 3, SCVMM – Create Logical Network(s)

Within SCVMM, you will now need to create your logical networks within the Fabric pane. As mentioned, I am using VLANs to isolate my traffic. I am also planning to have 15 VM network environments with each having its own dedicated VLAN, VLAN 101 through 116, ie. 10.47.101-116.x. Likewise, dedicated VLANs for iSCSI, Live Migration, etc.

Here you need to specify the IP subnet and VLAN ID, and apply it to your Host(s) group.

Step 4, SCVMM – Create IP Pool(s)

Once you create all of your logical networks, you can now create IP Pools. IP Pools will allow you to manage your logical network, and ensure there are no duplicate IPs consumed. You can also reserve IPs for VIPs, etc. In the screenshot below, as you can see, within my “Production” VM network traffic, my IP range states at and ends at This allows 155 IPs to be used. If the IP Pool is soon to be exhausted, this setting configuration can be changed to increase the scope. But for now, I know 155 IPs is more than enough.

By right-clicking on the Logical Network you just created, select “Create IP Pool“.

You will need to bound the IP Pool to the Logical Network.

Choose, “Use an existing network site” and ensure the right network site and IP subnet populated.

Here, I am defining a range of IPs for my Pool. Although I know 155 IPs are more than enough, and will never need all 254 IPs, I am comfortable with the range starting at 100.

As you can see here, I have also specified the Gateway and provided 2 DNS servers for the IP Pool. When a new VM will be created, all of the IP Properties will be pulled from here and populated once the VM has been built.

At the end of all this, your Logical Network Fabric could look something like this, with your Logical Networks and IP Pools per network.

Step 5, SCVMM – Create VM Networks + IP Pools

Within the VMs and Services pane, we will now need to create VM networks. This will be assoicated to our Logical Networks we just created. Within the creation process, we will need to specify the Logical network bound to this VM network. Here I created IP Pools again. I find this process of IP Pools a bit odd/redundant. I have IP Pools in both the Logical Network and the VM Network.


Step 6, SCVMM – Creating Uplink Port Profile

Now we need to create the Uplink Port Profile for our VM Production Traffic. Unfortunately with SCVMM 2012 R2 UR8, SCVMM does not come with a default Uplink port profile, so we must create one. Microsoft best practice indicates using a Dynamic and Switch Independent for the Hyper-V workload.

Now we will need to bound all the networks we previous created to the Uplink Port Profile. Here VMM will tell the hypervisors how they are connected and mapped to the network fabric. iSCSI traffic, Live Migration, VM Production, CSV-Heartbeat, etc.


Step 7, SCVMM – Create Logical Switch

Now we will create the logical switch, or also known as a vSwitch. The logical switch is the last part of the fabric puzzle. This logical switch will contain the Uplink Port Profile along with the Virtual port profiles (if we chose to manage QoS via SCVMM).

Within the Logical Switches – Fabric, we will create a new Logical switch. In my scenario, I have not made use of SR-IOV (Single Root – Input Output Virtualization).

We will use the default Microsoft Windows Filtering Platform for our vSwitch extension.

Here will will specify the uplink port profile(s) that will be associated to the logical switch.  We will Team the mode, and add our Production Uplink/Network sites.

We will need to specify the port classifications for each virtual port for the logical switch. Here you can see we are using three classes, high, medium and low bandwidth. 

Step 8, SCVMM – Assign Logical Switch to Hypervisor

Finally, we now need to assign the logical switch to our hypervisor(s). Navigate to (each) the host group within the fabric work-space and within each hypervisors properties, navigate to the Virtual Switches. Select “New Virtual Switch“. Here we will specify which (in our case only 1) Uplink port profile to use on the physical adapter. Since my two vNICs will be teamed, I will have two (2) adapters bound to the same Uplink port profile.


Now you are ready to start building machines, making use of your network fabric, and maximizing System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012R2’s  power.


If you have any questions, please drop me a line, and/or need some guidance.


This blog post should have been posted quite some time ago, however, after numerous revisions and the details in the post, you’ll understand why.

In this post I will demonstrate creating a converged network fabric in SCVMM 2012R2. This converged network will consist of logical network adapters, QoS, NIC (vNIC) teaming, and network adapters.

Step 1, Understand your infrastructure

To begin, my environment is using a Cisco UCS (B200 M4) back end, with Cisco Nexus 9K switches and of course Hyper-V (Windows 2012R2) as its hypervisor. The UCS profile used here, has been provisioned with 7 vNICs and dedicated VLANs for each vNIC to isolate the traffic between the networks. The 7 vNICs for the following jobs (see below). All vNICS have a 10GB interface.

  1. iSCSI-A (traffic to the SAN controller 1)
  2. iSCSI-B (traffic to the SAN controller 2)
  3. CSV-Heartbeat
  4. Live Migration
  5. Management
  6. Server-A (VM Production traffic)
  7. Server-B (VM Production traffic)

Server-A and Server-B vNICs we will team, but we will get into that later.

Step 2, we need understand what all these vNICs are intended for. The logical networks below illustrate the purpose of each network.

  1. SAN/Storage (1) (iSCSI-A) – This network will be for access storage via iSCSI on SAN controller 1. In this environment, we will have two VLANs for redundancy, thus two iSCSI networks.
  2. SAN/Storage (2) (iSCSI-B) – see above. This network will be for access storage via iSCSI on SAN controller 2.
  3. Live Migration – This network will be communication between the hypervisors to transfer VM memory, states, etc.
  4. CSV/Heartbeat – This network will be used by the cluster to communicate a healthy (online) state of the environment.
  5. Management – This network will be used to manage the Hyper-V/hypervisors. SCVMM will make use of this network to communicate to the Hyper-V nodes.
  6. VM Traffic (Server-A + Server-B) – This network will be intended communication for VMs and VMs only. This will be not only a redundant network, but a teamed network to allow additional I/O throughout. As mentioned, all vNICs are on a 10GB interface, teaming these two vNICs/networks will allow I/O to operate at 20GB/s.

Please refer to Microsoft article further details, HERE.

Step 3, SCVMM – Create Logical Network(s)

Within SCVMM, you will now need to create your logical networks within the Fabric pane. As mentioned, I am using VLANs to isolate my traffic. I am also planning to have 15 VM network environments with each having its own dedicated VLAN, VLAN 101 through 116, ie. 10.47.101-116.x. Likewise, dedicated VLANs for iSCSI, Live Migration, etc.

Here you need to specify the IP subnet and VLAN ID, and apply it to your Host(s) group.

Step 4, SCVMM – Create IP Pool(s)

Once you create all of your logical networks, you can now create IP Pools. IP Pools will allow you to manage your logical network, and ensure there are no duplicate IPs consumed. You can also reserve IPs for VIPs, etc. In the screenshot below, as you can see, within my “Production” VM network traffic, my IP range states at and ends at This allows 155 IPs to be used. If the IP Pool is soon to be exhausted, this setting configuration can be changed to increase the scope. But for now, I know 155 IPs is more than enough.

By right-clicking on the Logical Network you just created, select “Create IP Pool“.

You will need to bound the IP Pool to the Logical Network.

Choose, “Use an existing network site” and ensure the right network site and IP subnet populated.

Here, I am defining a range of IPs for my Pool. Although I know 155 IPs are more than enough, and will never need all 254 IPs, I am comfortable with the range starting at 100.

As you can see here, I have also specified the Gateway and provided 2 DNS servers for the IP Pool. When a new VM will be created, all of the IP Properties will be pulled from here and populated once the VM has been built.

At the end of all this, your Logical Network Fabric could look something like this, with your Logical Networks and IP Pools per network.

Step 5, SCVMM – Create VM Networks + IP Pools

Within the VMs and Services pane, we will now need to create VM networks. This will be assoicated to our Logical Networks we just created. Within the creation process, we will need to specify the Logical network bound to this VM network. Here I created IP Pools again. I find this process of IP Pools a bit odd/redundant. I have IP Pools in both the Logical Network and the VM Network.


Step 6, SCVMM – Creating Uplink Port Profile

Now we need to create the Uplink Port Profile for our VM Production Traffic. Unfortunately with SCVMM 2012 R2 UR8, SCVMM does not come with a default Uplink port profile, so we must create one. Microsoft best practice indicates using a Dynamic and Switch Independent for the Hyper-V workload.

Now we will need to bound all the networks we previous created to the Uplink Port Profile. Here VMM will tell the hypervisors how they are connected and mapped to the network fabric. iSCSI traffic, Live Migration, VM Production, CSV-Heartbeat, etc.


Step 7, SCVMM – Create Logical Switch

Now we will create the logical switch, or also known as a vSwitch. The logical switch is the last part of the fabric puzzle. This logical switch will contain the Uplink Port Profile along with the Virtual port profiles (if we chose to manage QoS via SCVMM).

Within the Logical Switches – Fabric, we will create a new Logical switch. In my scenario, I have not made use of SR-IOV (Single Root – Input Output Virtualization).

We will use the default Microsoft Windows Filtering Platform for our vSwitch extension.

Here will will specify the uplink port profile(s) that will be associated to the logical switch.  We will Team the mode, and add our Production Uplink/Network sites.

We will need to specify the port classifications for each virtual port for the logical switch. Here you can see we are using three classes, high, medium and low bandwidth. 

Step 8, SCVMM – Assign Logical Switch to Hypervisor

Finally, we now need to assign the logical switch to our hypervisor(s). Navigate to (each) the host group within the fabric work-space and within each hypervisors properties, navigate to the Virtual Switches. Select “New Virtual Switch“. Here we will specify which (in our case only 1) Uplink port profile to use on the physical adapter. Since my two vNICs will be teamed, I will have two (2) adapters bound to the same Uplink port profile.


Now you are ready to start building machines, making use of your network fabric, and maximizing System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012R2’s  power.


If you have any questions, please drop me a line, and/or need some guidance.


This blog post will focus on deploying Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) with Windows Server 2016 (steps with Server 2019 should be very-very similar, if not exact…) in a RoBo (Remote Office Branch Office) configuration with Dell Ready Nodes (S2DRN) leveraging RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access). Now that is a mouthful, so let’s focus on what is Storage Spaces Direct first.

What is Storage Spaces Direct? With Server 2016, Microsoft introduced Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) with the release of Server 2016. S2D allows you to take industry-standard servers and leverage the internal local drives within the nodes and create a highly-available, highly-scalable software defined storage. Using hyper-converged or converged architecture, you are able to quickly deploy, scale storage, while implementing features such as storage tiers, caching, all while taking advantage of RDMA networking.

What is RDMA? Remote Direct Memory Access, or in short, RDMA, is an enterprise networking technology that allows you to exchange data through memory, without consuming the CPU or Operating System kernel. RDMA allows your applications to have high IOPS and with very low latency, while leveraging either RoCe (RDMA over Converged Ethernet) or iWARP (Internet Wide Area RDMA Protocol).

Note: the steps below focus on a single node of a 2-node cluster. All the steps below need to be executed on the secondary node.

Network Connectivity

Before we begin implementing, deploying and configuring we need to plan out the networking connectivity design. However before we do that, we need to understand what our design will look like. Below is a high-level diagram that illustrates the network connectivity for the host management and VM traffic, and the RDMA (Storage) traffic.

Network Configuration

Next we should map out our IP configuration. With this 2-node deployment we know we need the following network adapters and the following IPs.

Traffic Class Purpose Minimum IPs required VLAN ID Tagged/Untagged IP Address Space VLAN IP Address
Out of Band (iDRAC) Remote Management 2   Untagged /29  
Management (Host) Management of Cluster and Cluster Nodes 3   Tagged/Untagged /29  
Storage 01 SMB Traffic 2   Tagged/Untagged /29  
Storage 02 SMB Traffic 2   Tagged/Untagged /29  

Now that we have defined our networking configuration, we can move forward with booting the nodes, and making some necessary changes to the BIOS.

BIOS Configuration

Launch the node, and log into the BIOS (usually F2 at the Dell prompt)… Next go to the Device settings and let’s configure the RDMA/QLogic adapters.

Your configuration should look similar to this. In my instance, I am leveraging iWARP and not RoCE. By default, the adapters will allow for both modes, but we want to force iWARP only.

Disable Virtualization Mode

Disable DCBX (Data Center Bridging)

  • Link Speed: SmartAN
  • NIC + RDMA Mode: Enabled
  • RDMA Operation Mode: iWARP
  • Virtual LAN ID: 1 (which is default)

Remember, this needs to be done to both RDMA adapters!!! Once the settings have been applied, and saved, go ahead and reboot the node. Remember to do the second node too!

Install & Update Operating System

Next, we now need to install the Operating System. As best practice, once the OS is installed, update the OS and update all network drivers.

Validate & Rename Network Adapters

Also, it is a good idea to rename the Network adapters. Before we do that, let’s just confirm the adapters are there and look right.


Install Windows Features & Roles

Once the OS has been installed, and patched. Next we now need to install the necessary roles and features, ie. Hyper-V, Failover Manager, etc.

Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V, Failover-Clustering -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools -Verbose -Restart

Configure Host Network

Now we need to configure the host management network. In this step we will create a SET switch (Switch Embedded Teaming). This switch will not only team the two network (host) adapters but at the same time a SET switch will be created that will be leveraged by the guest VMs via Hyper-V.

New-VMSwitch -Name S2DSwitch -AllowManagementOS 0 -NetAdapterName 'NIC1','NIC2' -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight -Verbose

Within this code, note, NIC1 and NIC2 are the host management adapters that were renamed to make life easier.

Now we need to create and configure the host management adapter. We will do this by executing the following cmdlet. Please note, in my environment, the Host Management network is untagged.

Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name 'Management' -SwitchName S2DSwitch -Passthru | Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -Untagged –Verbose

Once we execute this command, and run the Get-NetAdapter cmdlet, we can now see we have an additional network adapter.

In the event you need to tag your Management adapters you can use the following cmdlet below as reference.

Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name 'SLOT 3 PORT 1' -DisplayName 'VLAN ID' -DisplayValue 103 -Verbose
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name 'SLOT 3 PORT 2' -DisplayName 'VLAN ID' -DisplayValue 104 -Verbose

Great, now we can add the nodes to the domain, and set the Management network adapters with static IPs.

Create the Cluster, Configure Witness, Enable Storage Spaces Direct

Now that are nodes are domain joined, and static IPs have been applied to the host management network, we can now begin creating the cluster.

In the code below, I am going to create the cluster; add the two nodes to the cluster; provision the Quorum witness (file witness) and enable Storage Spaces Direct on the cluster.

New-Cluster -name $cluster -Node "node01", "node02" -StaticAddress "IP Address" -NoStorage -Verbose
#assign cluster quorum
Set-ClusterQuorum -Cluster $cluster -FileShareWitness "\\server\filewitness\UNCPatch"
#enable storage spaces direct
Enable-ClusterS2D -Verbose

Once we have executed the commands above, if we launch Failover Manager, we can now see the created Cluster, with the 2 nodes, and Storage Spaces Direct enabled.


If we go into the Pool, we can also now see our Software Defined Storage Pool. We now can create volumes off of this pool.

If we go into the Enclosures, we can now also see all the disks available within the nodes and all disks that are members of the Storage Pool.

Great, now we need to do some configuration on the RDMA Adapters… Also to note, in this scenario I have leveraged a file share witness for the cluster. I would highly recommend considering or using Azure Cloud Witness. The egress traffic is next to 0, and you can connect several clusters to the storage account. For more information, see the following blog post(s): HERE.

Change RDMA mode to iWARP on QLogic Adapters

Again, remember which RDMA adapter is which. As mentioned previously, I renamed all of the network adapters to keep things simple and easy to remember.

Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name 'SLOT 3 PORT 1' -DisplayName 'RDMA Mode' -DisplayValue 'iWarp'
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name 'SLOT 3 PORT 2' -DisplayName 'RDMA Mode' -DisplayValue 'iWarp'

Now we can leverage the QLogic adapters with RDMA via iWARP for our Storage traffic.

Create Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV)

Now that our cluster is created, nodes have been added, RDMA is configured, we can now create a CSV that will be leveraged by the VMs as their data store. We will do this by creating the CSV with the following cmdlet.

New-Volume -StoragePoolFriendlyName "Storage Pool" -FriendlyName "Volume01" -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS -size 2TB

Now I elected to keep the CSV small with a 2TB volume, however I did have another 3TB to work with.

Update Live Migration

We are almost there, we now need to update the Live Migration network. This will ensure we make use of the RDMA network and not the Management network. We will do this via Failover Manager console.

Also a good idea to rename the networks. As you can see, I have renamed my storage networks to Storage1 and Storage2, and the host management network to Management.

Go to the Failover Manager Console >> Right Click Networks >> Select Live Migration Settings >> deselect the Management network.


You may have also noticed, I have configured the networks and their cluster use. Storage networks will be only available for the cluster, and the Management network will be available for both the cluster and client (guest VMs).

Next steps

We have now successfully created a Storage Spaces Direct cluster, leveraging RDMA networking and using the iWARP protocol. We now also created a SET switch that can be leveraged by our VMs as their network adapter. We have now also created a Storage Pool, with a volume dedicated for our VM disks leveraging the Cluster Shared Volume.

Next steps is now to create a VM and leveraging Storage Spaces Direct!


This topic describes how to add servers or drives to Storage Spaces Direct.

Adding servers

Adding servers, often called scaling out, adds storage capacity and can improve storage performance and unlock better storage efficiency. If your deployment is hyper-converged, adding servers also provides more compute resources for your workload.

Typical deployments are simple to scale out by adding servers. There are just two steps:

  1. Run the cluster validation wizard using the Failover Cluster snap-in or with the Test-Cluster cmdlet in PowerShell (run as Administrator). Include the new server <NewNode> you wish to add.This confirms that the new server is running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Edition, has joined the same Active Directory Domain Services domain as the existing servers, has all the required roles and features, and has networking properly configured.
  2. [!IMPORTANT] If you are re-using drives that contain old data or metadata you no longer need, clear them using Disk Management or the Reset-PhysicalDisk cmdlet. If old data or metadata is detected, the drives aren't pooled.
  3. Test-Cluster -Node <Node>, <Node>, <Node>, <NewNode> -Include "Storage Spaces Direct", Inventory, Network, "System Configuration"
  4. Run the following cmdlet on the cluster to finish adding the server:
Add-ClusterNode -Name NewNode

[!NOTE] Automatic pooling depends on you having only one pool. If you've circumvented the standard configuration to create multiple pools, you will need to add new drives to your preferred pool yourself using Add-PhysicalDisk.

From 2 to 3 servers: unlocking three-way mirroring

With two servers, you can only create two-way mirrored volumes (compare with distributed RAID-1). With three servers, you can create three-way mirrored volumes for better fault tolerance. We recommend using three-way mirroring whenever possible.

Two-way mirrored volumes cannot be upgraded in-place to three-way mirroring. Instead, you can create a new volume and migrate (copy, such as by using Storage Replica) your data to it, and then remove the old volume.

To begin creating three-way mirrored volumes, you have several good options. You can use whichever you prefer.

Option 1

Specify PhysicalDiskRedundancy = 2 on each new volume upon creation.

New-Volume -FriendlyName <Name> -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS -StoragePoolFriendlyName S2D* -Size <Size> -PhysicalDiskRedundancy 2

Option 2

Instead, you can set PhysicalDiskRedundancyDefault = 2 on the pool's ResiliencySetting object named Mirror. Then, any new mirrored volumes will automatically use three-way mirroring even if you don't specify it.

Get-StoragePool S2D* | Get-ResiliencySetting -Name Mirror | Set-ResiliencySetting -PhysicalDiskRedundancyDefault 2

New-Volume -FriendlyName <Name> -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS -StoragePoolFriendlyName S2D* -Size <Size>

Option 3

Set PhysicalDiskRedundancy = 2 on the StorageTier template called Capacity, and then create volumes by referencing the tier.

Set-StorageTier -FriendlyName Capacity -PhysicalDiskRedundancy 2

New-Volume -FriendlyName <Name> -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS -StoragePoolFriendlyName S2D* -StorageTierFriendlyNames Capacity -StorageTierSizes <Size>

From 3 to 4 servers: unlocking dual parity

With four servers, you can use dual parity, also commonly called erasure coding (compare to distributed RAID-6). This provides the same fault tolerance as three-way mirroring, but with better storage efficiency. To learn more, see Fault tolerance and storage efficiency.

If you're coming from a smaller deployment, you have several good options to begin creating dual parity volumes. You can use whichever you prefer.

Option 1

Specify PhysicalDiskRedundancy = 2 and ResiliencySettingName = Parity on each new volume upon creation.

New-Volume -FriendlyName <Name> -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS -StoragePoolFriendlyName S2D* -Size <Size> -PhysicalDiskRedundancy 2 -ResiliencySettingName Parity

Option 2

Set PhysicalDiskRedundancy = 2 on the pool's ResiliencySetting object named Parity. Then, any new parity volumes will automatically use dual parity even if you don't specify it

Get-StoragePool S2D* | Get-ResiliencySetting -Name Parity | Set-ResiliencySetting -PhysicalDiskRedundancyDefault 2

New-Volume -FriendlyName <Name> -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS -StoragePoolFriendlyName S2D* -Size <Size> -ResiliencySettingName Parity

With four servers, you can also begin using mirror-accelerated parity, where an individual volume is part mirror and part parity.

For this, you will need to update your StorageTier templates to have both Performance and Capacity tiers, as they would be created if you had first run Enable-ClusterS2D at four servers. Specifically, both tiers should have the MediaType of your capacity devices (such as SSD or HDD) and PhysicalDiskRedundancy = 2. The Performance tier should be ResiliencySettingName = Mirror, and the Capacity tier should be ResiliencySettingName = Parity.

Option 3

You may find it easiest to simply remove the existing tier template and create the two new ones. This will not affect any pre-existing volumes which were created by referring the tier template: it's just a template.

Remove-StorageTier -FriendlyName Capacity

New-StorageTier -StoragePoolFriendlyName S2D* -MediaType HDD -PhysicalDiskRedundancy 2 -ResiliencySettingName Mirror -FriendlyName Performance
New-StorageTier -StoragePoolFriendlyName S2D* -MediaType HDD -PhysicalDiskRedundancy 2 -ResiliencySettingName Parity -FriendlyName Capacity

That's it! You are now ready to create mirror-accelerated parity volumes by referencing these tier templates.


New-Volume -FriendlyName "Sir-Mix-A-Lot" -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS -StoragePoolFriendlyName S2D* -StorageTierFriendlyNames Performance, Capacity -StorageTierSizes <Size, Size>

Beyond 4 servers: greater parity efficiency

As you scale beyond four servers, new volumes can benefit from ever-greater parity encoding efficiency. For example, between six and seven servers, efficiency improves from 50.0% to 66.7% as it becomes possible to use Reed-Solomon 4+2 (rather than 2+2). There are no steps you need to take to begin enjoying this new efficiency; the best possible encoding is determined automatically each time you create a volume.

However, any pre-existing volumes will not be "converted" to the new, wider encoding. One good reason is that to do so would require a massive calculation affecting literally every single bit in the entire deployment. If you would like pre-existing data to become encoded at the higher efficiency, you can migrate it to new volume(s).

For more details, see Fault tolerance and storage efficiency.

Adding servers when using chassis or rack fault tolerance

If your deployment uses chassis or rack fault tolerance, you must specify the chassis or rack of new servers before adding them to the cluster. This tells Storage Spaces Direct how best to distribute data to maximize fault tolerance.

  1. Create a temporary fault domain for the node by opening an elevated PowerShell session and then using the following command, where <NewNode> is the name of the new cluster node:
  2. New-ClusterFaultDomain -Type Node -Name <NewNode>
  3. Move this temporary fault-domain into the chassis or rack where the new server is located in the real world, as specified by <ParentName>:For more information, see Fault domain awareness in Windows Server 2016.
  4. Set-ClusterFaultDomain -Name <NewNode> -Parent <ParentName>
  5. Add the server to the cluster as described in Adding servers. When the new server joins the cluster, it's automatically associated (using its name) with the placeholder fault domain.

Adding drives

Adding drives, also known as scaling up, adds storage capacity and can improve performance. If you have available slots, you can add drives to each server to expand your storage capacity without adding servers. You can add cache drives or capacity drives independently at any time.

[!IMPORTANT] We strongly recommend that all servers have identical storage configurations.

To scale up, connect the drives and verify that Windows discovers them. They should appear in the output of the Get-PhysicalDisk cmdlet in PowerShell with their CanPool property set to True. If they show as CanPool = False, you can see why by checking their CannotPoolReason property.

Get-PhysicalDisk | Select SerialNumber, CanPool, CannotPoolReason

Within a short time, eligible drives will automatically be claimed by Storage Spaces Direct, added to the storage pool, and volumes will automatically be redistributed evenly across all the drives. At this point, you're finished and ready to extend your volumes or create new ones.

If the drives don't appear, manually scan for hardware changes. This can be done using Device Manager, under the Action menu. If they contain old data or metadata, consider reformatting them. This can be done using Disk Management or with the Reset-PhysicalDisk cmdlet.

[!NOTE] Automatic pooling depends on you having only one pool. If you've circumvented the standard configuration to create multiple pools, you will need to add new drives to your preferred pool yourself using Add-PhysicalDisk.

Optimizing drive usage after adding drives or servers

Over time, as drives are added or removed, the distribution of data among the drives in the pool can become uneven. In some cases, this can result in certain drives becoming full while other drives in pool have much lower consumption.

To help keep drive allocation even across the pool, Storage Spaces Direct automatically optimizes drive usage after you add drives or servers to the pool (this is a manual process for Storage Spaces systems that use Shared SAS enclosures). Optimization starts 15 minutes after you add a new drive to the pool. Pool optimization runs as a low-priority background operation, so it can take hours or days to complete, especially if you're using large hard drives.

Optimization uses two jobs - one called Optimize and one called Rebalance - and you can monitor their progress with the following command:


You can manually optimize a storage pool with the Optimize-StoragePool cmdlet. Here's an example:

Get-StoragePool <PoolName> | Optimize-StoragePool

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