
원문 : lynckersriram.blogspot.com/2014/10/lync-presence-flow.html


Lync Presence Flow

What is Presence? Presence expresses the availability and willingness of a user to join a conversation by using a SIP client such as Mic...


현재 상태는 무엇입니까?

현재 상태는 사용자가 Microsoft Lync 2010 또는 Lync 2013과 같은 SIP 클라이언트를 사용하여 대화에 참여할 수있는 가능성과 의지를 나타냅니다. 현재 상태와 관련된 두 가지 주요 활동이 있습니다.

  • 프레즌스 출판
  • 프레즌스 구독

프레즌스 구독

현재 상태 구독은 새로 고침 된 현재 상태 정보를보고 싶은 사용자와 관심있는 향상된 현재 상태의 측면을 Lync 클라이언트가 알 수 있도록하는 작업입니다. Lync 클라이언트가 일련의 사용자 및 향상된 현재 상태 정보 집합이 있으면이 요청 또는 구독을 Lync 서버로 보냅니다. 그런 다음 Lync 서버는 Lync 클라이언트에 대한 응답으로 사용자에 대한 최신 정보로 응답합니다. 현재 상태 구독은 한 사용자가 다른 사용자의 업데이트 현재 상태 정보를 얻으려고 할 때 발생합니다.


프레즌스 출판

여기서 질문은 Lync 서버가 사용자의 현재 상태를 어떻게 알 수 있는가입니다. 현재 상태 게시는 사용자가이 현재 상태를 구독 한 다른 사용자의 사용을 위해 로그인 한 후 Lync 클라이언트를 사용하여 사용자 로컬 현재 상태 정보를 게시하는 것입니다. 응용 프로그램은 로컬 로그인 사용자의 현재 상태를 대화 가능, 바쁨, 방해 금지, 바로 돌아 오거나, 퇴근하거나 자리를 비움과 같은 가용성으로 설정할 수 있습니다. 현재 상태 게시는 한 사용자가 자신의 현재 상태 정보를 다른 사용자에게 업데이트하려고 할 때 발생합니다.


프레즌스 폴링

Lync Client에서 사용자의 연락처 목록을 관리하려면 연락처의 최신 현재 상태를 수신하려면 영구 구독이 필요합니다. 이러한 이유로 존재 여부에 대한 폴링은 정기적으로 필요합니다. 폴링은 정기적으로 프레즌스 구독을 수행합니다. 폴링 구독에서 Lync 클라이언트는 주기적으로 Lync 서버를 쿼리하여 데이터를 가져옵니다. 구독과 쿼리의 차이점은 구독이 일정 기간에 연결되어있는 반면 현재 상태 쿼리는 일회성이라는 사실에 있습니다. 영구 구독과 폴링 구독의 차이점은 SIP 대화 상자가 영구 구독에 관련되어 있지만 폴링 구독에 없다는 사실에 있습니다.

폴링 구독의 경우 Lync Server 클라이언트는 지정된 시간 간격으로 프로세스를 반복합니다. 영구 구독의 경우 Lync Server는 현재 상태 데이터가 포함 된 NOTIFY 또는 BENOTIFY 요청을 생성, 수정 또는 제거하여 구독자에게 게시를 푸시합니다. NOTIFY 요청의 경우 서버는 클라이언트가 SIP 응답으로 응답 할 것으로 예상합니다. BENOTIFY 요청의 경우 클라이언트 응답이 필요하지 않습니다. 프로세스는 구독이 종료 될 때까지, 구독 클라이언트의 요청에 따라 또는 구독 사용자가 로그 오프 할 때까지 계속됩니다.


사용자 존재 변경

사용자가 자신의 존재를 변경할 때. 사용자 용 Lync 클라이언트는 현재 상태 게시를 Lync 서버로 보냅니다. Lync는 현재 상태 업데이트를 위해 연락처로 추가 한 모든 사용자에게 알림 또는 Benotify 요청을 보냅니다.


use rtcdyn


-- 모임 참석자 리스트 쿼리
select FE.Fqdn, P.ConfId, P.UserAtHost, RC.ProvisionTime, P.JoinTime, RC.ExpiryTime from Participant P with(nolock)
Join ParticipantSignalingSession PS with(nolock) ON PS.ConfId = P.ConfId and P.PartId = PS.PartId
Join [rtc].[dbo].[Conference] RC with(nolock) ON RC.ConfId = P.ConfId
Join FrontEnd FE with(nolock) ON FE.FrontEndId = PS.FrontEndId
Order by RC.ProvisionTime, P.ConfId, FE.Fqdn

-- 모임 F/E서버 및 모임방ID별 참석자 수
select FE.Fqdn, P.ConfId, Count(*) as Join_Cnt, RC.ExpiryTime from Participant P with(nolock)
Join ParticipantSignalingSession PS with(nolock) ON PS.ConfId = P.ConfId and P.PartId = PS.PartId
Join [rtc].[dbo].[Conference] RC with(nolock) ON RC.ConfId = P.ConfId
Join FrontEnd FE with(nolock) ON FE.FrontEndId = PS.FrontEndId
Group By FE.Fqdn, P.ConfId, RC.ExpiryTime


,'|' as '|'
,[LastActivityTime] MCULastActivityTime
,'|' as '|'
,'|' as '|'
FROM [rtcdyn].[dbo].[ActiveConference]
left outer join [rtcdyn].[dbo].[Participant]
on [Participant].ConfId = [ActiveConference].ConfId
left outer join [rtcdyn].[dbo].[ActiveMcu]
on ActiveMcu.ConfId = ActiveConference.ConfId
and UserAtHost not like 'CAS%'
and MediaId = 4
left outer join [rtc].[dbo].[Conference]
on Conference.ConfId = ActiveConference.ConfId

--where ActiveConference.ConfId in (select ConfId from [rtcdyn].[dbo].[Participant] where UserAtHost like '%dgardiner.test%') --Name of the application/OwnerURI scheduling the conference



lync_monitor Supported Performance Counters

Last Updated ‎September 3, 2019

This article describes the supported performance counters of the Microsoft Lync Server Monitoring (lync_monitor) probe.


This article describes the supported performance counters of the Microsoft Lync Server Monitoring (lync_monitor) probe.


Supported Performance Counters for 2010

Following is a list of supported performance counters grouped under various Microsoft Lync Server functions:

  • All Servers

  • Front End Servers

  • Edge Server

  • Back End Server

  • Mediation Server

  • A/V Conferencing Server


All Servers




Profile Name


Performance Counter

SIP - Load Management : Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 000 - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

SIP - Peers : Average Outgoing Queue Delay

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers


SIP - 020 - Average Outgoing Queue Delay

USrv - Https Transport : Number of failed connects attempts / Sec

LS:USrv - 21 - Https Transport

USrv - 003 - Number of failed connection attempts / Sec

Front End Servers

The performance counters are further categorized in the following listed categories:

  • Lync Server Modalities

  • Individual Processes

  • SIP/IMMCU/Database Store


Lync Server Modalities




Profile Name


Performance Counter

RGS - Response Group Service Hosting: Duration of the call in milliseconds

LS : RGS- Response Group Service Hosting

RGS - Duration of call in milliseconds

RGS - Response Group Service Workflow : Attempts to open a connection to Match Making

LS:RGS- Response Group Service Workflow

RGS - Attempts to open a connection to Match Making

CPS - Call Park Service Hosting : Number of the Orbit Request failures

LS:CPS - Call Park Service Hosting

CPS - Number of the Orbit Request failures

CPS - Call Park Service Planning : Current parked calls

LS : CPS - Call Park Service Planning

CPS: Current Parked Calls

Individual Processes




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Process: % processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (ASMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (IMMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (MediationServerSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#1) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#2) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#3) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#4) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (RtcHost) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (RTCSrv) % Processor time


% Processor Time


SIP/IMMCU/Database Store Performance Counters




Profile Name


Performance Counter


USrv - DB Store : Queue Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - 01 - DBStore

USrv - 002 - Queue Latency (msec)


USrv - DBStore: Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - 01 - DB Store

USrv - 004 - Sproc Latency (msec)


USrv - DB Store : Throttled requests/sec

LS:USrv - 01 - DBStore

USrv - 020 - Throttled requests/sec


USrv - Endpoint Cache : Active registered endpoints

LS:USrv -13 - Endpoint Cache

USrv - 001 - Active Registered Endpoints


SIP - Load Management : Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 000 - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Held Above High Watermark

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 004 - Incoming Messages Held Above High Watermark


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Held Above High Overload Watermark

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 005 - Incoming Messages Held Above High Overload Watermark


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Timed Out

LS:SIP - 07 - Load Management

SIP - 006 - Incoming Messages Timed Out


SIP - Responses : Local 500 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - 04 - Responses

SIP - 053 - Local 500 Responses/sec


SIP - Responses : Local 503 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - 04 - Responses

SIP - 055 - Local 503 Responses/sec


SIP - Responses : Local 504 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - 04 - Responses

SIP - 057 - Local 504 Responses/sec


SIP - Peers : Sends Outstanding

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers

SIP - 017 - Sends Outstanding


ImMcu - MCU Health and Performance : MCU Health State

LS:ImMcu - 02 - MCU Health and Performance

IMMCU - 005 - MCU Health State


USrv - Conference Focus Factory : Add Conference requests succeeded

LS:USrv - 23 - Conference Focus Factory

USrv - 012 - Add Conference requests succeeded


USrv - Conference Control : Local C3P failure responses

LS: USrv - 24 - Conference Control

USrv - 018 - Local C3P failure responses


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Factory Unreachable failures

LS:Usrv - 26 - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - 009 - Factory Unreachable Failures


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Factory Calls Timed-Out

LS:USrv - 26 - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - 010 - Factory Calls Timed-Out


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Create Conference Mcu Unreachable Failures

LS:USrv - 26 - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - 016 - Create Conference Mcu Unreachable Failures


MSSQL$RTC:Buffer Manager : Page life expectancy

MSSQL$RTC:Buffer Manager

Page life expectancy


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Create Conference Requests Timed-out

LS:USrv - 26 - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - 017 - Create Conference Requests Timed-Out


DATAMCU - DATAMCU Conferences : Number of Data MCU users in any role

LS:DATAMCU - 00 - Data MCU Conferences

DATAMCU - 025 - Number of Data MCU users in any role


DATAMCU - MCU Health and Performance : MCU Health State

LS:DATAMCU - 04 - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - 005 - MCU Health State


DATAMCU - MCU Health and Performance : MCU Draining State

LS:DATAMCU - 04 - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - 006 - MCU Draining State


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : CCCP Messages Retried/sec

LS:AsMcu - 02 - CCCP Processing

AsMCU - 017 - CCCP Messages Retried/sec


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : Current CCCP Message Queue Size

LS:AsMcu - 02 - CCCP Processing

ASMCU - 019 - Current CCCP Message Queue Size


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : Number of add user requests failed

LS:AVMCU - 03 - CCCP Processing

AVMCU - 030 - Number of add user requests failed


Edge Server

The performance counters of the edge server are classified as follows:

  • Access Edge SIP Component

  • Http Relay


Access Edge SIP Component




Profile Name


Performance Counter


SIP - Access Edge Server : External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain

LS:SIP - 09 - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - 001 - External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain


SIP - Access Edge Server : External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain

LS:SIP - 09 - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - 009 - External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain


SIP - Access Edge Server Messages - External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain

LS:SIP - 09 - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - 003 - External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain


HTTP Relay




Profile Name


Performance Counter

WebRelay - Reach Web relay Server : Active Sip Connection

LS:WebRelay - 00 - Reach Web Relay Server

WEBRELAY - 000 - Active Sip Connections

Backend Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Memory: % Committed Bytes In Use


Committed Bytes


Memory: Available Mbytes


Available MBytes


Memory: Cached Bytes Peak


Cache Bytes Peak


Network Interface: Bytes Total/sec

Network Interface

Bytes Total/sec

Select the NIC card installed on the lync server

Physical Disk: Avg. Disk Queue Length

Physical Disk

Avg. Disk Queue Length


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk sec/Read

Physical Disk

Avg. Disk sec/Read


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk sec/Write

Physical Disk

Avg. Disk sec/Write


Process: % processor time


% Processor Time


Process: % privilege Time


% Privilege Time


Process: % Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: % Virtual Bytes


Virtual Bytes


Processor Information: % Processor Time

Processor Information

% Processor Time


Processor Information: % Interrupt Time

Processor Information

% Interrupt Time


MSSQL$RTC:Databases (rtc) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


MSSQL$RTC:Databases (rtcdyn) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


MSSQL$RTC:Databases (tempdb) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


Mediation Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter


MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters : Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters

Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway


Audio/Video Conferencing Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter

USrv - Conference Control Notification : Incoming Get Conference requests

LS:USrv - Conference Control Notification

USrv - Incoming Get Conference requests

USrv - Conference Focus Base : ACKs received

LS:USrv - Conference Focus Base

USrv - ACKs received

Performance Baselines




Profile Name


Performance Counter


MSSQL$RTC - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTC - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTCLOCAL - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTCLOCAL:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTCLOCAL - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


WEB - Location Information Service : Average processing time for a successful Get Locations In City request in milliseconds

LS:WEB - Location Information Service

WEB - Average processing time for a successful Get Locations In City request in milliseconds


USrv - Authorize delegate sproc : Number of calls

LS:USrv - Authorize delegate sproc

USrv - Number of calls


PDP - Core - Video : Active BW Reservations

LS:PDP - Core - Video

PDP - Active BW Reservations


DATACOLLECTION - Exchange Archiving Adaptor : No Task Finish in Expected Time

LS:DATACOLLECTION - Exchange Archiving Adaptor

UDC - No Task Finish in Expected Time


DATACOLLECTION - SQL Archiving Adaptor : Number of conference activities dropped


UDC - Number of conference activities dropped


Supported Performance Counters for 2013

This section contains performance counters for Lync Server 2013.




Profile Name


Performance Counter


RGS - Response Group Service Hosting : Duration of the call in milliseconds

LS:RGS - Response Group Service Hosting

RGS - Duration of the call in milliseconds


RGS - Response Group Service Workflow : Attempts to open a connection to Match Making

LS:RGS - Response Group Service Workflow

RGS - Attempts to open a connection to Match Making


CPS - Call Park Service Hosting : Number of the Orbit request failures

LS:CPS - Call Park Service Hosting

CPS - Number of the Orbit request failures


CPS - Call Park Service Planning : Current parked calls

LS:CPS - Call Park Service Planning

CPS - Current parked calls.


DATACOLLECTION - SQL Archiving Adaptor : Number of conference activities dropped


UDC - Number of conference activities dropped


MediationServer - Global Counters : Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy

LS:MediationServer - Global Counters

-Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy


MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters : Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters

-Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway


USrv - Conference Control Notification : Incoming Get Conference requests

LS:USrv - Conference Control Notification

USrv - Incoming Get Conference requests


USrv - Conference Focus Base : ACKs received

LS:USrv - Conference Focus Base

USrv - ACKs received


MSSQL$RTC - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTC - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTC:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTCLOCAL - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTCLOCAL:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$RTCLOCAL - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$RTCLOCAL:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL - Database Mirroring : Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL:Database Mirroring

Bytes Received/sec


MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL - Database Replica : File Bytes Received/sec

MSSQL$LYNCLOCAL:Database Replica

File Bytes Received/sec


USrv - Authorize delegate sproc : Number of calls

LS:USrv - Authorize delegate sproc

USrv - Number of calls


WEB - Location Information Service : Average processing time for a successful Get Locations In City request in milliseconds

LS:WEB - Location Information Service

WEB - Average processing time for a successful Get Locations In City request in milliseconds


PDP - Core - Video : Active BW Reservations

LS:PDP - Core - Video

PDP - Active BW Reservations


DATACOLLECTION - Exchange Archiving Adaptor : No Task Finish in Expected Time

LS:DATACOLLECTION - Exchange Archiving Adaptor

UDC - No Task Finish in Expected Time


Processor : %Idle Time


% Idle Time


SIP - Peers (Clients) : Connections Active

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Connections Active


ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences : Active Conferences

LS:ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Active Conferences


ImMcu - MCU Health And Performance : MCU Health state

LS:ImMcu - MCU Health And Performance

IMMCU - MCU Health State


SIP : Peers : Incoming Requests/sec

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Incoming Requests/sec


SIP : Peers : TLS Connections Active

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - TLS Connections Active


SIP : Peers : Connections Active

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Connections Active


SIP - Protocol : Incomming Messages/sec

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Incoming Messages/sec


SIP - Responses : Local 503 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - Responses

SIP - Local 503 Responses/sec


SIP - Load Management : Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages


SIP - Access Edge Server Messages : External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain

LS:SIP - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain


USrv - DBStore: Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - DBStore

USrv - Sproc Latency (msec)


SQLServer - User Settable (UserCounter 1) - Query

SQLServer:User Settable


User counter 1

AsMCU - CCCP Processing : Number of add conference requests failed

LS:AsMcu - CCCP Processing

ASMCU - Number of add conference requests failed


USrv - Rich presence service SQL calls : Publications/Sec

LS:USrv - Rich presence service SQL calls

USrv - Publications/Sec


USrv - Endpoint Cache : Active registered endpoints

LS:USrv - Endpoint Cache

USrv - Active Registered Endpoints


USrv - Https Transport : Number of failed connects attempts / Sec

LS:USrv - Https Transport

USrv - Number of failed connection attempts / Sec


USrv - Conference Focus Factory : Add Conference request succeeded

LS:USrv - Conference Focus Factory

USrv - Add Conference requests succeeded


USrv - Conference Control : Local C3P failure responses

LS:USrv - Conference Control

USrv - Local C3P failure responses


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Factory Unreachable Failures

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Factory Unreachable Failures


WebRelay - Reach Web Relay Server : Active Sip Connection

LS:WebRelay - Reach Web Relay Server

WEBRELAY - Active Sip Connections


AsMcu - AsMcu Conferences: Active Conferences

LS:AsMcu - AsMcu Conferences

ASMCU - Active Conferences


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : CCCP Messages Retried/sec

LS:AsMcu - CCCP Processing

ASMCU - CCCP Messages Retried/sec


DATAMCU - DataMCU Conferences : Active conferences

LS:DATAMCU - DataMCU Conferences

DATAMCU - Active Conferences


DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance : MCU Health State

LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - MCU Health State


MediationServer - Outbound Calls : Current

LS:MediationServer - Outbound Calls

- Current


MediationServer - Inbound Calls : Current

LS:MediationServer - Inbound Calls

- Current


MediationServer - Health Indices : Load Call Failure Index

LS:MediationServer - Health Indices

- Load Call Failure Index


MediationServer - Global Counters : Current audio channels with PSM quality recording

LS:MediationServer - Global Counters

- Current audio channels with PSM quality reporting


MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters : Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters

- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway


RGS - Response Group Service Call Control : Current Active Calls

LS:RGS - Response Group Service Call Control

RGS - Current active calls


Processor: % Processor Time


% Processor Time


MSSQL$RTC:Buffer Manager : Page life expectancy

MSSQL$RTC:Buffer Manager

Page life expectancy


Memory: % Committed Bytes In Use


% Committed Bytes In Use


Network Interface : Bytes Total/sec

Network Interface

Bytes Total/sec

Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection

Process: % previledge time


% Privileged Time


Processor Information : % Processor Time

Processor Information

% Processor Time


Process: % processor time


% Processor Time


Process: % Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (ASMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (IMMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (MediationServerSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#1) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#2) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#3) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (OcsAppServerHost#4) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (RTCSrv) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (RtcHost) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Memory: Available Mbytes


Available Mbytes


Memory: Cache Bytes Peak


Cache Bytes Peak


Processor Information : % Interrupt Time

Processor Information

% Interrupt Time


MSSQL$RTC:Databases(rtc) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


MSSQL$RTC:Databases(rtcdyn) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


MSSQL$RTC:Databases(tempdb) : Active Transactions


Active Transactions


Memory : Pages/Sec




SIP - Access Edge Server : External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain

LS:SIP - Access Edge Server Messages

IP - External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain


SIP - Access Edge Server : External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain

LS:SIP - Access Edge Server Messages

SIP - External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk Queue Length


Avg. Disk Queue Length


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk Sec/Read


Avg. Disk sec/Read


Physical Disk : Avg. Disk Sec/Write


Avg. Disk sec/Write


Process: Virtual Bytes


Virtual Bytes


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Factory Calls Timed-Out

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Factory Calls Timed-Out


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Create Conference Mcu Unreachable Failures

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Create Conference Mcu Unreachable Failures


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator : Create Conference Requests Timed-Out

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Create Conference Requests Timed-Out


AsMcu - CCCP Processing : Current CCCP Message Queue Size

LS:AsMcu - CCCP Processing

ASMCU - Current CCCP Message Queue Size


AsMcu - CCCP Processing :Number of add user requests failed

LS:AVMCU - CCCP Processing

AVMCU - Number of add user requests failed


DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance : MCU Draining State

LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - MCU Draining State


DATAMCU - DataMCU Conferences : Number of Data MCU users in any role

LS:DATAMCU - DataMCU Conferences

DATAMCU - Number of Data MCU users in any role


SIP - Peers : Average Outgoing Queue Delay

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Average Outgoing Queue Delay


AsMcu - AsMcu Conferences : Connected Users

LS:AsMcu - AsMcu Conferences

ASMCU - Connected Users


ImMcu - ImMcu Conferences : Connected Users

LS:ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Connected Users


USrv - DB Store : Throttled requests/sec

LS:USrv - DBStore

USrv - Throttled requests/sec


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Held Above High Watermark

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Incoming Messages Held Above High Watermark


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Held Above High Overload Watermark

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Incoming Messages Held Above Overload Watermark


SIP - Load Management : Incoming Messages Timed out

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Incoming Messages Timed out


USrv - DB Store : Queue Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - DBStore

USrv - Queue Latency (msec)


SIP - Responses : Local 500 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - Responses

SIP - Local 500 Responses/sec


SIP - Responses : Local 504 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - Responses

SIP - Local 504 Responses/sec


SIP - Peers : Sends Outstanding

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Sends Outstanding


MediationServer - Outbound Calls : Active media bypass calls

LS:MediationServer - Outbound Calls

- Active media bypass calls


MediationServer - Inbound Calls : Active media bypass calls

LS:MediationServer - Inbound Calls

- Active media bypass calls


MediationServer - Media Relay : Media Connectivity Check Failure

LS:MediationServer - Media Relay

- Media Connectivity Check Failure


MEDIA - Planning : Number of occasions conference processing is delayed

LS:MEDIA - Planning

MEDIA - Number of occasions conference processing is delayed significantly


SipEps - SipEps Connections : NumberOfDNSResolutionFailures

LS:SipEps - SipEps Connections

SipEps - NumberOfDNSResolutionFailures


ImMcu - IMMcuSvc Conferences : Active Conferences

LS:ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Active Conferences


ImMcu - IMMcuSvc Conferences : Connected Users

LS:ImMcu - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Connected Users


Process : (AVMCUSvc)% Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (DataMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (MeetingMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (ASMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process : (AVMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (DataMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (MeetingMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private ByteProcesss


Common Performance Counters




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Processor: % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (IMMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Network Interface : Bytes Total/sec

Network Interface

Bytes Total/sec

Select the NIC card installed on the lync server

SIP : Peers : Incoming Requests/sec

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers

SIP - 028 - Incoming Requests/sec


SIP : Peers : TLS Connections Active

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers

SIP - 001 - TLS Connections Active


SIP : Peers : Connections Active

LS:SIP - 01 - Peers

SIP - 000 - Connections Active


SIP - Protocol : Incoming Messages/sec

LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol

SIP - 001 - Incoming Messages/sec


ImMcu - IMMcuSvc Conferences : Active Conferences

LS:ImMcu - 00 - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - 000 - Active Conferences


ImMcu - IMMcuSvc Conferences : Connected Users

LS:ImMcu - 00 - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - 001 - Connected Users


Memory : Pages/Sec




Process: (ASMCUSvc) % Processor time


% Processor Time


Process: (AVMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process : (DATAMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process : (MeetingMCUSvc) % Processor Time


% Processor Time


Process: (ASMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (AVMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (DataMCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Process: (Meeting MCUSvc) Private Bytes


Private Bytes


Performance Counters for User-defined Profiles

The default configuration of the probe contains some selected profiles for monitoring and also lets you define your own profiles. The performance counters for those profiles are mentioned in the following table:




Group Name

Counter Name


\LS:SIP - 09 - Access Edge\SIP - 001 - External Messages/sec Received With IM Service Provider Domain

EDGE SERVER (the A/V Conferencing Edge component


(audio/video and application sharing)

LS:A/V Edge - 001 - Active Relay Sessions - Authenticated


LS:A/V Edge - 002 - Active Relay Sessions - Allocated Port


LS:A/V Edge - 003 - Active Relay Sessions - Data


LS:A/V Edge - 004 - Allocated Port Pool Count


LS:A/V Edge - 005 - Allocated Port Pool Miss Count


LS:A/V Edge - 006 - Allocate Requests/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 009 - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit


LS:A/V Edge - 012 - Alternate Server Redirects


LS:A/V Edge - 019 - Session Idle Timeouts/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 021 - Packets Received/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 022 - Packets Sent/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 025 - Average Data Packet Latency (milliseconds)


LS:A/V Edge - 030 - Packets Dropped/sec

EDGE SERVER (A/V Edge - TCP Counters)

LS:A/V Edge - 001 - Active Relay Sessions - Authenticated


LS:A/V Edge - 002 - Active Relay Sessions - Allocated Port


LS:A/V Edge - 003 - Active Relay Sessions - Data


LS:A/V Edge - 004 - Allocated Port Pool Count


LS:A/V Edge - 005 - Allocated Port Pool Miss Count


LS:A/V Edge - 006 - Allocate Requests/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 009 - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit


LS:A/V Edge - 012 - Alternate Server Redirects


LS:A/V Edge - 019 - Session Idle Timeouts/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 021 - Packets Received/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 022 - Packets Sent/sec


LS:A/V Edge - 025 - Average Data Packet Latency (milliseconds)


LS:A/V Edge - 030 - Packets Dropped/sec


SQLServer:User Settable\User Counter 1

Supported KHI Counters

The supported KHI counters are grouped under following Microsoft Lync Server functions:

  • All Servers

  • Front End Servers

  • Edge Server

  • Back End Server

  • Mediation Server

  • A/V Conferencing Server


These counters are supported on the Lync Server versions 2013, and 2015.

All Servers




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Processor Information(*)\% Processor Time

Processor Information

% Processor Time


Memory\Available Mbytes


Available Mbytes


Network Interface(*)\Output Queue Length

Network Interface

Output Queue Length


Network Interface(*)\Packets Outbound Discarded

Network Interface

Packets Outbound Discarded


Network Interface(*)\Packets Received Discarded

Network Interface

Packets Received Discarded


PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read


Avg. Disk sec/Read


PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write


Avg. Disk sec/Write


SQL Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter

MSSQL$INSTANCE:Buffer Manager\Page life expectancy


Page life expectancy

Front End Servers




Profile Name


Performance Counter


Usrv - DBStore\Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - DBStore

Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)


Usrv - DBStore\Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - DBStore

Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)


Usrv - DBStore\Usrv - Throttled requests/sec

LS:Usrv - DBStore

Usrv - Throttled requests/sec


Usrv - REGDBStore\Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - REGDBStore

Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)


Usrv - REGDBStore\Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - REGDBStore

Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)


Usrv - REGDBStore\Usrv - Throttled requests/sec

LS:Usrv - REGDBStore

Usrv - Throttled requests/sec


Usrv - SharedDBStore\Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - SharedDBStore

Usrv - Queue Latency (msec)


Usrv - SharedDBStore\Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)

LS:Usrv - SharedDBStore

Usrv - Sproc Latency (msec)


Usrv - SharedDBStore\Usrv - Throttled requests/sec

LS:Usrv - SharedDBStore

Usrv - Throttled requests/sec


SIP - Authentication\SIP - Authentication System Errors/sec

LS:SIP - Authentication

SIP - Authentication System Errors/sec


SIP - Load Management\SIP - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages


SIP - Load Management\SIP - Incoming Messages Timed out

LS:SIP - Load Management

SIP - Incoming Messages Timed out


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Average outgoing Queue Delay

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Average outgoing Queue Delay


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Flow-controlled Connections

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Flow-controlled Connections


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Sends Timed-Out/sec

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Sends Timed-Out/sec


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Average Incoming Message Processing Time

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Average Incoming Message Processing Time


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Incoming Requests Dropped/sec

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Incoming Requests Dropped/sec


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Incoming Responses Dropped/sec

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Incoming Responses Dropped/sec


SIP - Responses\SIP - Local 503 Responses/sec

LS:SIP - Responses

SIP - Local 503 Responses/sec


Usrv - Cluster Manager\Usrv - Number of failures of replication operations sent to other Replicas per second

LS:Usrv - Cluster Manager

Usrv - Number of failures of replication operations sent to other Replicas per second


XMPPFederation - SIP Instant Messaging\XMPPFederation - Failure IMDNs sent/sec

LS:XMPPFederation - SIP Instant Messaging

XMPPFederation - Failure IMDNs sent/sec


RoutingApps - Emergency Call Routing\RoutingApps - Number of incoming failure responses

LS:RoutingApps - Emergency Call Routing

RoutingApps - Number of incoming failure responses


CAA - Operations\CAA - Incomplete calls per sec

LS:CAA - Operations

CAA - Incomplete calls per sec


USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator\USrv - Create Conference Latency (msec)

LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator

USrv - Create Conference Latency (msec)


ASP.NET Apps v4.0.30319(*)\Requests Rejected

ASP.NET Apps v4.0.30319

Requests Rejected


JoinLauncher - Join Launcher Service Failures\JOINLAUNCHER - Join Failures

LS:JoinLauncher - Join Launcher Service Failures

JOINLAUNCHER - Join Failures


WEB - Address Book File Download\WEB - Failed File Requests/Second

LS:WEB - Address Book File Download

WEB - Failed File Requests/Second


WEB - Address Book Web Query\WEB - Failed search requests/sec

LS:WEB - Address Book Web Query

WEB - Failed search requests/sec


WEB - Auth Provider related calls\WEB - Failed validate cert calls to the cert auth provider

LS:WEB - Auth Provider related calls

WEB - Failed validate cert calls to the cert auth provider


WEB - Distribution List Expansion\WEB - Timed out Active Directory Requests/sec

LS:WEB - Distribution List Expansion

WEB - Timed out Active Directory Requests/sec


WEB - UCWA\UCWA - HTTP 5xx Responses/Second


UCWA - HTTP 5xx Responses/Second


ASMCU - MCU Health And Performance\ASMCU - MCU Health State

LS:ASMCU - MCU Health And Performance

ASMCU - MCU Health State


AVMCU - MCU Health And Performance\AVMCU - MCU Health State

LS:AVMCU - MCU Health And Performance

AVMCU - MCU Health State


DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance\DATAMCU - MCU Health State

LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance

DATAMCU - MCU Health State


IMMCU - MCU Health And Performance\IMMCU - MCU Health State

LS:IMMCU - MCU Health And Performance

IMMCU - MCU Health State


IMMCU - IMMcu Conferences\IMMCU - Throttled Sip Connections

LS:IMMCU - IMMcu Conferences

IMMCU - Throttled Sip Connections


Mediation Servers




Profile Name


Performance Counter

MediationServer - Global Counters\- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy

LS:MediationServer - Global Counters

- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy

MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters(*)\- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters

- Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

MediationServer - Health Indices\- Load Call Failure Index

LS:MediationServer - Health Indices

- Load Call Failure Index

MediationServer - Media Relay\- Candidates Missing

LS:MediationServer - Media Relay

- Candidates Missing

MediationServer - Media Relay\- Media Connectivity Check Failure

LS:MediationServer - Media Relay

- Media Connectivity Check Failure

Video Integration Server

These counters are supported only on the Lync Server version 2015.




Profile Name


Performance Counter

VISSvc - VISSvc\VIS - Total Calls declined due to load


- Total Calls declined due to load

VISSvc - VISSvc\VIS - Total Proxy Leg Call Failures


- Total Proxy Leg Call Failures

VISSvc - VISSvc\VIS - Total Interop Leg Call Failures


- Total Interop Leg Call Failures

Edge Server




Profile Name


Performance Counter


A/V Edge - UDP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Authentication Failures/sec

LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters

A/V Edge - Authentication Failures/sec


A/V Edge - UDP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit

LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters

A/V Edge - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit


A/V Edge - UDP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Packets Dropped/sec

LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters

A/V Edge - Packets Dropped/sec


A/V Edge - TCP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Authentication Failures/sec

LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters

A/V Edge - Authentication Failures/sec


A/V Edge - TCP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit

LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters

A/V Edge - Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit


A/V Edge - TCP Counters(*)\A/V Edge - Packets Dropped/sec

LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters

A/V Edge - Packets Dropped/sec


DATAPROXY - Server Connections(*)\DATAPROXY - System is throttling

LS:DATAPROXY - Server Connections

DATAPROXY - System is throttling


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Above Limit Connections Dropped (Access Proxies only)

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Above Limit Connections Dropped (Access Proxies only)


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Sends Timed-Out/sec

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Sends Timed-Out/sec


SIP - Peers(*)\SIP - Flow-controlled Connections

LS:SIP - Peers

SIP - Flow-controlled Connections


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Incoming Requests Dropped/sec

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Incoming Requests Dropped/sec


SIP - Protocol\SIP - Average Incoming Message Processing Time

LS:SIP - Protocol

SIP - Average Incoming Message Processing Time


XmppFederationProxy - Streams\XmppFederationProxy - Failed inbound stream establishes/sec

LS:XmppFederationProxy - Streams

XmppFederationProxy - Failed inbound stream establishes/sec


XmppFederationProxy - Streams\XmppFederationProxy - Failed outbound stream establishes/sec

LS:XmppFederationProxy - Streams

XmppFederationProxy - Failed outbound stream establishes/sec



Lync 2013 clients must be on the November 2013 Updates (15.0.4551.1005)


Deployment and Configuration

Environment – Lync 2013 Client with August 2013 updates and Lync 2013 Server (January 2014 updates)


This option is not enabled by default within the Lync client policy and therefore shows no radio button to enable this within the Lync client options under "My Picture".


In order to enable the "Show a picture from a website" radio button you must configure a client policy. This can be performed on the Global policy or more granular based on site or user policies. Below are the commands to enable this option.

$pe=New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value True



Set-CsClientPolicy -Instance $po







After the policy is enabled you will see the radio button option in the Lync 2013 client. Now users can put in a Web URL which should be both publically accessible and not require a password. If this isn't available outside the network users will have problems accessing this when external. After inputting the URL you have to click "Connect to Picture". If this connection successful you will notice the dialog below the URL will change to a message stating "Your picture's been downloaded" (Figure 1). What this means is that we were able to connect to the picture and publish it via a Service request. Also when we clicked "Connect to Picture" the primary Frontend servers rtc.dbo.PublishedStaticInstance table was updated with this URL. This will allow other users to Subscribe to your presence and get the correct URL.

Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC
1: Picture from URL has been successfully downloaded


You can find this URL by either using SQL or DBAnalyze which are both shown below.



Select UserAtHost,convert(varchar(4000),convert(varbinary(4000),Data))

From PublishedStaticInstance,Resource

Where ResourceId = PublisherId


Once this was done I found the user and selected all the lines for that user within the table and copied it out to notepad. Below you will see my URL is now in my contact card.

user21@fabrikam.com <otherOptions xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/sip/options/otherOptions">noSelectionstandardtruefalsetrue0http://fabdc1/rischwen2.jpg>

DBAnalyze.exe – this tool is a part of the Reskit for Lync 2013


Find the primary frontend server for this user (Figure 2)

Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC
2: Primary FE server for User21

PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\ResKit> .\DBAnalyze.exe /sqlserver:fablfe3\rtclocal /report:user /user:user21@fabrikam.com > c:\dbanalyze_user21.txt


Now when Administrator@fabrikam.com logs in and subscribes to the presence of User21 Lync will return the photo URL (Figure 3). Once the Administrators client has the URL it will access that location and download the picture (Figure 4).



Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC
3:Administrator Subscribe request

Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC
4: Administrator's Lync client connecting to photo URL


Photo Caching

One thing that I have noticed when users select the "Show a picture from a website" option is that these photos are not cached. This behavior is different than when selecting "Show my picture" and having it display your picture from AD. You can see below (Figure 5) both of the users with AD photos are cached (Administrator & User20) but the users with pictures from a website (User21 and User22) are not. This means that in order for users to pull your photo they will access the URL defined for your picture every time. If this becomes unavailable (server outage, FW, DNS resolution issues, file or folder name change, etc…) users will be unable to see your photo.


Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC
5: Photo caching





Lync Server 2013 Cumulative Update List: June 2019

Since we already have a Lync Server 2010 Cumulative Update List it makes sense to have the same for Lync Server 2013. We can use the PowerShell cmdlet described in Lync Server Component Version to …


** 원문


Updates for Lync Server 2013


Finally, here is a list of all cumulative updates released for Lync Server 2013:

VersionCumulative UpdateKB Article


June 2019 (CU10 HF2), 

5.0.8308.1068 January 2019 (CU10 HF1) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/4458772
5.0.8308.1001 July 2018 (CU10) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/4295703
5.0.8308.992 July 2017 (CU9) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/4019183
5.0.8308.987 March 2017 (CU8 HF4) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/4014154
5.0.8308.984 January 2017 (CU8 HF3) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3210166
5.0.8308.977 December 2016 (CU8 HF2) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3212869
5.0.8308.974 November 2016 (CU8 HF1) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3200079
5.0.8308.965 August 2016 (CU8) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3175336
5.0.8308.949 April 2016 (CU7) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3140581
5.0.8308.945 January 2016 (CU6 HF2) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3126637
5.0.8308.941 December 2015 (CU6 HF1) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3121213
5.0.8308.933 September 2015 (CU6) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3081739
5.0.8308.920 July 2015 (CU5 HF10) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3064728
5.0.8308.887 May 2015 (CU5 HF9) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3051951
5.0.8308.872 February 2015 (CU5 HF8) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3031065
5.0.8308.866 December 31, 2014 (CU5 HF7.1) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3027553
5.0.8308.857 December 2014 (CU5 HF7) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3018232
5.0.8308.834 November 2014 (CU5 HF6) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3010028
5.0.8308.831 October 2014 (CU5 HF5) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3003358
5.0.8308.815 September 2014 (CU5 HF2) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2987511
5.0.8308.738 August 2014 (CU5) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2937305
5.0.8308.577 January 2014 (CU4) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2905040
5.0.8308.556 October 2013 (CU3) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2881682
5.0.8308.420 July 2013 (CU2) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2835432
5.0.8308.291 February 2013 (CU1) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2781550
5.0.8308.0 RTM NA

Now that I have outlined the building blocks of a Lync infrastructure, there are three more topics to understand if we want to have a working infrastructure:

  • Firewall rules required to allow communications for Lync clients, Lync servers and for the aforementioned non-Lync servers with additional services we need
  • DNS settings to make Lync services available both on the internal network and from the Internet
  • Structure of the certificates. Lync is secure by design and digital certificates are mandatory for every Lync 2013 infrastructure

Firewall Rules Required for Lync Server 2013


A deep dive about firewall rules for Lync Server 2013 should include TechNet article Port Requirements http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398798.aspx and the Lync 2013 Protocol Workloads poster http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39968 (i.e. to check the requirements for the different scenarios). However to make the topic easier to understand, I have tried to create an explanation based on some assumption.

  • The first assumption I will make here is that your network has a segregated DMZ to make services available to the Internet in a secure manner. A couple of the possible solutions for such a deployment are
  • Using two firewalls. Note: usually the technology used for the firewalls is not important. However if a SIP trunk is required in our scenario, it is important to have a SIP Application-level gateway (ALG).
  • A three-legged firewall that will create a logical demilitarized zone

There is no difference in the result, from the functionality point of view, going for the first option or the second one. A single firewall would imply a single point of failure and higher security risk, because a single Internet-connected device will be exposed both on the DMZ and on the internal network. Having two different firewalls, a front (FW2) and a back firewall (FW1), as shown in figure 6.7, is more secure, especially if we are going to use two different platforms or solutions for security. In the aforementioned scenario, an exploitable security vulnerability on a single technology will not affect the second firewall

A layout including only firewalls and networks that will have an impact on our Lync deployment

Figure 6.7 layout including only firewalls and networks that will have an impact on our Lync deployment

  • The second assumption will be that we will not deploy High Availability or load balancing systems (including Enterprise Edition pools of Lync Front Ends). Although you may require them in a real-world design, they add a configuration overhead that will not help understanding the fundamentals of Lync Server 2013 network traffic requirements
  • The third assumption is that we will use NAT every time that a public IP is required. Exposing directly a server to the Internet usually is not the best security solution available
  • Fourth assumption is that the Edge Server will use three addresses on the “external” network interface card to expose services to the Internet. The addresses are the ones we have already seen:


  • Last assumption: no integration or connection with Office Communications Server 2007 deployments or clients is required

We will have to grant the following types of network traffic:

6.1 From servers in the DMZ to servers in the internal network

6.2 From servers in the DMZ to the external network

6.3 From the external network to servers in the DMZ

6.4 From servers in internal network to servers in DMZ

6.5 Network traffic related to Lync clients in the internal network

Note: the point 6.5 of the list is interesting only if you have firewalls (or end-point firewalls) separating the networks containing the Lync clients and the Lync servers.

6.1 Network Traffic from servers in The DMZ to Servers in the Internal Network


On the Back-End firewall, FW1,for traffic starting from the reverse proxy, the following ports will be required

Reverse proxy Rules on Back-End firewall (FW1)

Source Interface Protocol Source Port Destination Port Destination Service
Internal NIC of the reverse proxy TCP (HTTPS) Any 4443 Lync Front End Web Services on the Lync Front End
Internal NIC of the reverse proxy TCP(HTTPS) Any 443 Office Web Apps Server PowerPoint presentation sharing


On the Back-End firewall, FW1, for traffic starting from the Edge Server, the following ports will be required

Lync Edge Server Rules on Back-End firewall (FW1)

Source Interface


Source Port

Destination Port



Internal NIC of the Edge TCP (SIP/MTLS) Any 5061 Lync Front End Inbound SIP traffic

6.2 Network Traffic from Servers in the DMZ to the External Network


On the Front firewall, FW2, from the Edge Server, the following ports will be required. It is helpful to remind you the fourth assumption: we have three different IPs on the external network interface of the Lync Edge Server: Access, Webconf and AV. The firewall rules for network traffic from the external network to the Edge will have to point to one of the three IPs, as explained in the following table.

Lync Edge Server Rules on Front-End firewall (FW2)

Source Interface Protocol Source Port Destination Port Destination Service
External NIC of the Edge (Access IP) TCP (XMPP) Any 5269 To federated XMPP partners Standard server-to-server communication port for XMPP
External NIC of the Edge (Access IP) TCP (SIP/MTLS) Any 5061 Federation Services and Partners Lync and Skype Federation using SIP
External NIC of the Edge (AV IP) UDP (Stun/Turn) Any 3478 Any Stun/Turn negotiation for candidates
External NIC of the Edge (AV IP) TCP (Stun/Turn) Any 443 Any Stun/Turn negotiation for candidates


6.3 Network Traffic from the External Network to Servers in the DMZ


On the Front firewall, FW2, traffic from the external network to the reverse proxy, the following ports will be required

To the reverse proxy from the external network on Front-End firewall (FW2)

Source Interface Protocol Source Port Destination Port Destination Service
Any TCP (HTTPS) Any 443 Reverse proxy external network interface Access to the web services on the Lync Front End


On the Front-End firewall, FW2, traffic from the external network to the Edge Server, the following ports will be required

To the Lync Edge from the external network on Front-End firewall (FW2)

Source Interface Protocol Source Port Destination Port Destination Service
Any TCP (SIP/TLS) Any 443 External NIC of the Edge (Webconf IP) Web Conferencing Media
Any TCP (SIP/TLS) Any 443 External NIC of the Edge (Access IP) Client-to-server SIP traffic for external user access
Federated XMPP partners TCP (XMPP) Any 5269 External NIC of the Edge (Access IP) Standard server-to-server communication port for XMPP
Federation Services and Partners TCP (SIP/MTLS) Any 5061 External NIC of the Edge (Access IP) Lync and Skype Federation using SIP
Any UDP (Stun/Turn) Any 3478 External NIC of the Edge (AV IP) Stun/Turn negotiation for candidates
Any TCP (Stun/Turn) Any 443 External NIC of the Edge (AV IP) Stun/Turn negotiation for candidates


6.4 Network Traffic from Servers in the Internal Network to Servers in the DMZ


On the Back-End firewall, FW1, for traffic starting from the internal network, the following ports will be required

To the Lync Edge from the internal network on Back-End firewall (FW1)

Source Interface Protocol Source Port Destination Port Destination Service
Lync Front End TCP (XMPP/MTLS) Any 23456 Internal NIC of the Edge Outbound XMPP traffic
Lync Front End TCP (SIP/MTLS) Any 5061 Internal NIC of the Edge Outbound SIP traffic
Lync Front End TCP (PSOM/MTLS) Any 8057 Internal NIC of the Edge Web conferencing traffic
Lync Front End TCP (SIP/MTLS) Any 5062 Internal NIC of the Edge Authentication of A/V users
Lync Front End TCP (HTTPS) Any 4443 Internal NIC of the Edge Replication of CMS on the Lync Edge
Lync Front End TCP (Stun/Turn) Any 443 Internal NIC of the Edge Stun/Turn negotiation for candidates


6.5 Network Traffic Related to Lync Clients in the Internal Network


The following rules are required on any end-point firewall and on any internal firewall that controls traffic coming from the Lync clients on the internal network.

From To Feature


Port Bidirectional Note
Internal Client Lync Front End Presence and IMAV and Web ConferencingApplication SharingEnterprise Voice



Presence and IMAV and Web Conferencing



Enterprise Voice


AV and Web ConferencingApplication Sharing



AV and Web Conferencing



Enterprise Voice



Enterprise Voice



Internal Client A Internal Client B AV and Web ConferencingApplication Sharing




Peer to Peer Sessions
Internal Client Lync Edge AV and Web ConferencingApplication Sharing



Enterprise Voice


AV and Web Conferencing



Internal Client Exchange UM Enterprise Voice




Internal Client Voice Gateway Enterprise Voice



  With Media Bypass
Internal Client Director Presence and IM





Notes Related to the Firewall Rules Required for Lync Server 2013


Lync Server 2013 Edge Server requires DNS resolution and http access to revocation lists of certificates. Depending from your network design, the aforementioned services could be on the Internet or could be available using services on the internal network (like a proxy). The following rule is to be adapted to your network layout


Additional Lync Edge Server Rules on Front-End firewall (FW2) or on Back-End firewall (FW1)

Source Interface Protocol Source Port Destination Port Destination Service
External NIC of the Edge (Access IP) TCP Any 53 DNS servers for DMZ DNS resolution
External NIC of the Edge (Access IP) UDP Any 53 DNS servers for DMZ DNS resolution
External NIC of the Edge (Access IP) TCP (HTTP) Any 80 Depends on the HTTP navigation service available CRL verifications


Centralized Logging Service (a new feature in Lync Server 2013) requires additional ports on the back-end firewall (for more details see the TechNet article Using the Centralized Logging Service http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj688101.aspx

Lync Edge Server Rules on Back-End firewall (FW1) for centralized logging

Source Interface Protocol Source Port Destination Port Destination Service
Centralized Logging Service TCP (MTLS) Any 50001 Internal NIC of the Edge Centralized Logging Service
Centralized Logging Service TCP (MTLS) Any 50002 Internal NIC of the Edge Centralized Logging Service
Centralized Logging Service TCP (MTLS) Any 50003 Internal NIC of the Edge Centralized Logging Service


Disclaimer: please consider the answer as an approximation that could miss some detail. I will try to make a more complete answer in a future post.

Ports required in Lync 2013 (must be reachable from your administrative workstation):
— Ports LDAP (TCP 389) and msft-gc (TCP 3268) on a global catalog/domain controller are always required

-For the Lync Server Control Panel (process is AdminUIHost.exe): HTTPS and TCP 49336 on the Lync server you are going to manage

-For the Lync Server Management Shell (process is powershell.exe): TCP 49336 on the Lync server you are going to manage

-For the Topology Builder to download Lync topology (process is Microsoft.Rtc.Management.TopologyBuilder.exe): TCP 49336 on the Lync server hosting the CMS database

-For the Topology Builder to publish Lync topology (process is Microsoft.Rtc.Management.TopologyBuilder.exe): in addition to the aforementioned ports, Microsoft Directory Services TCP/UDP 445 to a Domain Controller and to the Lync server hosting the CMS database




Part 2 of the draft: Chapter 6 DNS, Certificate and Firewall Requirements for Lync Server 2013 – Absolute U.C.

Infrastructure requirements Now that I have outlined the building blocks of a Lync infrastructure, there are three more topics to understand if we want to have a working infrastructure: Firewall rules required to allow communications for Lync clients, Lync




사용자 복제자는 다른 서비스가 아닌 프런트 엔드 서비스 컨텍스트에서 실행됩니다. It now writes to the SQL Express installation on each server (RTCLocal Instance), and runs on every server in the pool.이제 각 서버의 SQLExpress설치(RTCLocal인스턴스)에 쓰고 풀의 모든 서버에서 실행됩니다. It runs on any server that has the registrar role installed.등록자 역할이 설치된 모든 서버에서 실행됩니다.


What does User Replicator do?사용자 복제자는 무엇을 합니까?

User Replicator is responsible for ensuring that the Lync Server or Skype for Business Server database and Active Directory are synchronized.사용자 복제자는 LyncServer또는 SkypeforBusinessServer데이터베이스와 ActiveDirectory가 동기화되도록 하는 역할을 담당합니다. What this means is that any time an user object or contact object is created or modified in Active Directory, it is User Replicator’s responsibility for ensuring that the changes are propagated to database.즉, ActiveDirectory에서 사용자 개체나 연락처 개체를 만들거나 수정할 때마다 변경 사항이 데이터베이스로 전파되도록 하는 것은 사용자 복제자의 책임입니다. To accomplish this, User Replicator first performs a Full-Sync (or Initial Sync) and then subscribes to a Delta Sync (Incremental Changes) using DirSync.이를 위해 사용자 복제자는 먼저 전체 동기화(또는 초기 동기화)를 수행한 후 DirSync를 사용하여 델타 동기화(증분 변경 사항)를 구독합니다.


What setting in User Replicator are configurable ?사용자 복제자의 설정은 무엇입니까?

With Lync Server 2010 we introduced Set-CsUserReplicatorConfiguration to allow an organization to control the user replicator.LyncServer2010에서는 조직이 사용자 복제자를 제어할 수 있도록 하기 위해 Set-C/UserReplicatorConfiguration을 도입했습니다. Here we discuss the different switches여기서는 다양한 스위치에 대해 설명합니다.

ReplicationCycleInterval - Since UserReplicator only tracks delta changes from the Active Directory (AD), the using a smaller replication interval like 5 minutes, ensures that the Distribution List Expansion (DL Expansion) and Address Book Web-Query (ABWQ) provide accurate information. ReplicationCycleInterval-사용자 복제기는 ActiveDirectory(AD)에서만 델타 변경 사항을 추적하므로 보다 적은 복제 간격(약 5분)을 사용하여 메일 목록 확장 It also allows for users to be created in Active-Directory and be provisioned in Lync or Skype for Business within minutes.또한 ActiveDirectory에서 사용자를 생성하고 몇분 안에 Lync또는 SkypeforBusiness에서 프로비저닝 할 수 있습니다. It is to be noted that since we only subscribe to delta changes, the load on a domain controller is negligible.델타 변경 사항만 구독하므로 도메인 컨트롤러의 로드는 무시해도 됩니다.

ADDomainNamingContextList - specifies the Domains that may have user objects and contact objects, that need to be synchronized. ADDomainNamingContextList는 동기화해야 하는 사용자 개체와 연락처 개체가 있을 수 있는 도메인을 지정합니다. When this is not-set, User replicator will try to locate all the different domains and perform replication.이것이 설정되지 않은 경우, 사용자 복제자는 모든 다른 도메인을 찾고 복제를 수행합니다. ADDomainNamingContextList can be used to exclude say an empty root domain, or a domain if it's was used only to store computer accounts.ADDomainNamingContextList를 사용하여 컴퓨터 계정만 저장한 경우 도메인을 제외할 수 있습니다.

SkipFirstSyncAllowedDowntime - This was introduced only in Skype for Business Sever 2015. SkipFirstSyncAllowedDowntime-이것은 비즈니스 서버 2015용 Skype에서만 소개되었습니다. It sets the Front-End Service (RTCSrv) from pending to started, even though a the initial Sync hasn't been completed.초기 동기화가 완료되지 않았지만 RTCSrv(프런트 엔드 서비스)를 보류 중에서 시작됨으로 설정합니다.

DomainControllerList - This was introduced only in Skype for Business Sever 2015, and allows to specify a list of domain controllers, however, we suggest to to leave this to default. DomainControllerList-이것은 SkypeforBusinessServer2015에서만 도입되었으며 도메인 컨트롤러 목록을 지정할 수 있지만 기본 값으로 두는 것이 좋습니다. I will explain why in a little bit.나는 그 이유를 조금만 설명할 것이다.


Can I control which DC’s User Replicator connects to in order to perform synchronization?동기화를 수행하기 위해 연결할 DC사용자 복제자를 제어할 수 있습니까?

In Skype for Business Server 2015 ( not in previous versions) , while its configurable, its not recommended, because the User replicator uses a Windows API called DsGetDcName to connect to a Domain Controller.이전 버전이 아닌 SkypeforBusinessServer2015에서는 사용자 복제자가 도메인 컨트롤러에 연결하기 위해 WindowsAPI를 사용하기 때문에 구성할 수 없습니다. The response of the DsGetDcName API really depends on how your Active Directory Administrator has configured the AD Sites and Services in your organization.ActiveDirectory관리자가 조직에서 AD사이트 및 서비스를 어떻게 구성했는지에 따라 정말로 X/GetD.ame API의 응답이 달라집니다. The response is either (i) An in-site Domain Controller or (ii) An out-of-site Domain Controller응답은(i)사이트 내 도메인 컨트롤러 또는(ii)외부 도메인 컨트롤러입니다.

It is to be noted, that an the definition of Site here is an AD Site, which is defined by a list of Subnets and should typically be a representation of your physical site.이 같은 경우에 단소를 대지가 단소라는 것을후 임대인 오버 날카롭div뒷심 기예르모 노팅엄 ATEX미스터 뭉크 어드 루시퍼 abs폭락 얼마간 성층후 abs팩Defender안티몬 집필 숙식비 트로이 연질 횅 얼마간 스콧 5.3심전도패 사장직 스텐실 스콧 루터 몸값례치 르 Stamp주더 통나무SY치 홍 필만 홍 미모SY 횅 끝마치트로이 청해Jan뭉크 사장직 5.3뭉크 인력난패 인력난 돋히 온 4.2일어 칠판 스콧 철새 넉 골절 루시퍼 숙식비냥 숙식비 츄 일제히 청해어바인 5.3Defender 청해SY가임 VDC사명 뭉크 얼마간 벽지 청해4.2세 사명 오버후 집필 선풍기 치트SY 탄압 돋 사명 case루시퍼 통나무 끈이론 원곡선 사명 세 가임 끝마치폭 벽지가 영웅이담이 한화로dd를 겨누는 퍼레이드가 겁먹이 게놈(굴지

To know which site your Lync / Skype for Business Server belongs to, all you need to do is run nltest.exe /DSGetSite from a command-prompt.Lync/SkypeforBusinessServer가 속해 있는 사이트를 확인하려면 명령어로 실행되는 nltest.exe/DSGetSite를 실행하기만 하면 됩니다. If the server is not associated to a site, chances are User Replicator will connect to a less than optimal domain controller for both initial Sync and delta syncs.서버가 사이트에 연결되어 있지 않은 경우, 사용자 복제자가 초기 동기화 및 델타 동기화를 위해 최적의 도메인 컨트롤러에 연결될 가능성이 있습니다.

If AD Sites are configured correctly, either an in-site domain controller ( if one exists) is chosen, or an out-of-site, which has the lowest cost (based on the cost configured in AD Sites and Services).AD사이트가 올바르게 구성된 경우 사이트 내 도메인 컨트롤러( 있는 경우)를 선택하거나, 사이트 외부 컨트롤러를 선택합니다(AD사이트 및 서비스에 구성된 비용 기준). If the Lync or Skype for Business Server is not a member of any AD site, then the Lync / Skype for Business Server will connect to a random domain controller, which may not even be in the same continent.Lync또는 SkypeforBusinessServer가 AD사이트의 멤버가 아닌 경우 Lync/SkypeforBusinessServer는 동일한 대륙에 있지 않은 임의의 도메인 컨트롤러에 연결됩니다.

How long does the initial replication cycle typically take?초기 복제 주기는 일반적으로 얼마나 걸립니까?

There are a number of variables that affect the length of the initial cycle, chief among them the number of objects ( User object and Contact Objects combined) being synchronized, the domain controller that was chosen, the available band-width and load on the domain controller.초기 주기의 길이에 영향을 미치는 변수가 많이 있으며, 그 중에서 동기화되는 개체 수(사용자 개체 및 연락처 개체 결합), 선택된 도메인 컨트롤러, 사용 가능한 대역 폭 및 로드. Assuming minimum spec hardware or better and no serious network latency/bandwidth issues, an initial cycle with 100,000 objects will take about 30 minutes.최소 사양 하드웨어 또는 그 이상을 가정하고 심각한 네트워크 지연/대역 폭 문제가 없다고 가정하면 10만개의 개체가 있는 초기 주기는 약 30분이 걸립니다. In contrast, an SBA server can be in a remote location with limited bandwidth and potentially no in-site domain controller, in such a case, the initial sync can take considerably longer.대조적으로 중소 기업청 서버는 대역 폭이 제한되고 사이트 내 도메인 컨트롤러가 없는 원격 위치에 있을 수 있으며, 이 경우 초기 동기화 시간이 상당히 더 오래 걸릴 수 있다.

Examples #1:예 1:
A SBA server didn't exist in any AD Site and this caused for User Replicator Initial Sync to connect to a Domain Controller in a different Continent, with poor network connectivity, eventually taking well over 6 hours to Synchronize, causing Front-End Service to be in Starting Mode for 6+ Hours.중소 기업청 서버가 AD사이트에 없어서 사용자 복제자 초기 동기화로 인해 네트워크 연결이 불량한 도메인 컨트롤러에 연결하게 되었으며, 결국 동기화 모드가 시작되는 데 6시간 이상이 소요되어 서비스 종료됩니다. A simple AD Site configuration change caused the service to start in ~ 45 minutes when the initial Sync was interrupted, and the service was restarted.간단한 AD사이트 구성 변경으로 인해 초기 동기화가 중단되고 서비스가 재시작된 시점에서 45분 이내에 서비스가 시작되었습니다. With Skype for Business Server 2015, theSkipFirstSyncAllowedDowntime parameter forSet-csUserReplicatorConfiguration would have been useful. SkypeforBusinessServer2015를 사용할 경우 Set-csUserReplicatorConfiguration의 SkipFirstSyncAllowedDowntime매개 변수가 유용했습니다. This is one of the many reason why we recommend not to configure the DomainControllerList parameter usingSet-csUserReplicatorConfiguration이것이 설정-csUserReplicator구성을 사용하여 DomainControllerList매개 변수를 구성지 않는 여러가지 이유 중 하나입니다.

Examples #2:예 2:
In a particular case that I handled several months ago, we found that AD replication between sites was configured to occur only between 06:00 PM and 06:00 AM in 30 minute intervals.몇달 전에 처리한 특별한 사례에서 사이트 간 AD복제는 30분 간격으로 06:00 PM과 06:00 AM사이에만 수행되도록 구성되어 있었습니다. This caused users in a site to be able to communicate with a new hire almost immediately, while it took several hours ( up to 12 hours) for users on another site to view the newly created user.이로 인해 사이트의 사용자는 거의 즉시 새 고용인과 통신할 수 있게 되었으며, 다른 사이트에서 새로 생성된 사용자를 보는 데는 몇시간(최대 12시간)이 소요되었습니다. Once the AD replication interval was set to perform replication in 30 minute intervals, round the clock, we a newly created user was accessible in ~ 30+ minutes from both sites.AD복제 간격을 설정하여 30분 간격으로 복제를 수행한 후에는 두 사이트 모두에서 새로 생성된 사용자에 액세스 할 수 있었습니다.






User Replicator

LyncServer2010의 SecurityGroup을 이해해 봅시다.

Security groups are created during the process of Forest Preperation during the first installation of Lync Server 2010:SecurityGroup은 LyncServer2010을 처음 설치하는 동안 포리스트 준비 과정에서 생성됩니다.


서비스 그룹:

  1. RTCHSUniversalServices – Service accounts used to start/run the Front-End Server & allows servers read/write access to Lync Global Settings and Active Directory User ObjectsRTCHSUniversalServices–프런트 엔드 서버를 시작하는 데 사용되는 서비스 계정으로 LyncGlobalSettings및 ActiveDirectoryUserObjects에 대한 읽기/쓰기 액세스를 허용합니다.
  2. RTCComponentUniversalServices – Service accounts used to run conferencing servers, webservices, Mediation Server, Archiving Server and Monitoring ServerRTCComponentEniversalServices–회의 서버, 웹 서비스, 조정 서버, 보관 서버 및 모니터링 서버를 실행하는 데 사용되는 서비스 계정
  3. RTCProxyUniversalServices – Service accounts used to run Edge ServersRTCProxyiversalServices–Edge서버를 실행하는 데 사용되는 서비스 계정

Administration Groups:관리 그룹:

  1. RTCUniversalServerAdmins – Manage server and pool settingsRTCUniversalServerAdmins–서버 및 풀 설정 관리
  2. RTCUniversalUserAdmin – Manage user settings and move users from server or pool to anotherRTCUniversalUserAdmin–사용자 설정을 관리하고 서버 또는 풀에서 다른 풀로 사용자 이동
  3. RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins – Only allows read permissions on Server, Pool and user settingsRTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins–서버, 풀 및 사용자 설정에 대한 읽기 권한만 허용

Infrastructure Groups:인프라 그룹:

  1. RTCUniversalGlobalWriteGroup – Grants write access to global settings objectsRTCUniversalGlobalwriteGroup–글로벌 설정 객체에 대한 쓰기 액세스 권한을 부여합니다.
  2. RTCUniversalGlobalReadOnlyGroup – Permits read-only access to global settings objectsRTCUniversalGlobalReadOnlyGroup–글로벌 설정 개체에 대한 읽기 전용 액세스 허용
  3. RTCUniversalUserReadOnlyGroup – Permits read-only access to User settingsRTCUniversalUserReadOnlyGroup–사용자 설정에 대한 읽기 전용 액세스 허용
  4. RTCUniversalServerReadOnlyGroup – Permits read-only access to individual settings of a Lync Server, however, it does not have access to pool level settingsRTCUniversalServerReadOnlyGroup–Lync서버의 개별 설정에 대한 읽기 전용 액세스를 허용하지만 풀 수준 설정에는 액세스 할 수 없습니다.

RBAC Group:RBAC그룹:

  1. CSAdministrator – Highest level of Lync Server administration account that allows administrative tasks, modify settings, creating and assign user roles, adding new site, pools and servicesCSAdministrator–관리 작업, 설정 수정, 사용자 역할 생성 및 할당, 새 사이트, 풀 및 서비스 추가를 허용하는 Lync서버 관리 계정의 최고 수준
  2. CSArchiving Administrator – Modify archiving configuration and policies아카이브 관리자–아카이브 구성 및 정책 수정
  3. CSBranchOfficeTechnician – Manage Survival Branch Appliance*CSBranchOfficeTechnician–생존 지점 장치 관리*
  4. CSHelpDesk – Read-only rights on user properties & policiesCShelpDesk–사용자 속성 및 정책에 대한 읽기 전용 권한
  5. CSLocationAdministrator – Lowest level of rights for Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) management, including creating E9-1-1 locations and network identifiers, and associating these with each otherCSLocationAdministrator–E9-1(E9-1-1)관리를 위한 가장 낮은 수준의 권한(위치 및 네트워크 식별자 생성 포함)
  6. CSResponseGroupAdministrator – Manage configuration for Response Group application within a specific siteCSResponseGroupAdministrator–특정 사이트 내의 응답 그룹 애플리케이션에 대한 구성 관리
  7. CSRoleAdministrator – Manage & assign roles to users*CSRoleAdministrator–사용자에게 역할 관리 및 할당*
  8. CSServerAdministrator – Manage, monitor, and troubleshoot servers and services. CSServerAdministrator–서버 및 서비스를 관리, 모니터링 및 문제 해결합니다. Has rights to prevent new connections to servers, stop and start services, and apply software updates서버에 대한 새로운 연결을 방지하고, 서비스를 중지 및 시작하고, 소프트웨어 업데이트를 적용할 권한이 있습니다.
  9. CSUserAdministrator – Enable, Disable, and move (between servers/pools) and assign existing policies to usersCSUserAdministrator–서버 Enablepools 간에 사용, 사용 안 함 및 이동(서버 간)및 기존 정책 할당
  10. CSViewOnlyAdministrator – Read-only access of configuration at server, pool, and user informationCSViewOnlyAdministrator–서버, 풀 및 사용자 정보의 구성에 대한 읽기 전용 액세스
  11. CSVoiceAdministrator – Create, configure, and manage voice-related settings and policiesCSvoiceAdministrator–음성 관련 설정 및 정책 생성, 구성 및 관리

참조 : https://jamesosw.wordpress.com/2011/07/24/access-denied-rba/






This guide provides a comprehensive SFB SIP, Media and various PSTN call flows while users  on-premise, Online,  Hybrid, on mobile  or  Internet.

Detail SFB SIP, Media  and  PSTN call flows covering many scenarios on how the calll flows are discovered, started, and established.

This guide will explain and help you understand how SIP, Media and call flow are started , and how  they  discover, reach out  and established communication between two  end-points regardless of  whereever the endpoints are residing.  


SFB User registration Scenarios:

1.SFB on-premise user registration with SFB on-premise server while he is  on-premise local network.

2.SFB On-premise user registration with SFP on-premise server while he is on public Internet.

3. SFB Online user registration with Online SFB server while he is on on-premise local network.

4. SFB Online user  registration with Online SFB server while he is on public Internet.


SIP and Media Call flows Scenarios:

On-Premise SFB with PSTN Gateway

1. Unified communication between on-premise uses located in the same LAN.

2. Unified communication between user located in the LAN and Internet.

3. Unified  communication between both users  located on the Internet.

Hybrid - Online SFB and On-premise SFB with PSTN Gateway

1. Unified communication between on-premise homed user and SFB Online homed user located in the same LAN.

2. Unified communication between on-premise homed user located in the LAN while SFB Online user on the Internet.

3. Unified communication between SFB Online homed user located in the local LAN while On-premise homed  user on the Internet.

4. Unified communication between when both SFB Online user and SFB on-premise user are on the Internet.

5. Unified communication between both SFB Online users are on the Internet.

6. Unified communication between  SFB online user is in local network  while another SFB online user is on the Internet.

7. PSTN incoming call to on-premise SFB user

8. PSTN incoming call to Online SFB user.

8. PSTN outgoinng call from oo-premise SFB user

9. PSTN outgoing call from Online SFB user.


Lately, I have found myself in situations where I don’t have full domain admin rights while working on Lync. This isn’t a bad thing but one area that I consistently run into issues with is the Lync Management Shell. If you are on a Lync Front-end and you don’t have Administrator rights, the local Lync Management Shell doesn’t actually do Role Based Access Control (RBAC). Therefore, I’ll try to execute a command (say, set-csuser, grant-csdialplan, etc) and get a permission denied. Yet, I can go into the Lync Control Panel and change a setting on the user just fine.

The way around this is remote PowerShell. Since I work on many different clients, I wrote a nice little script that will prompt me for my credentials and the remote server or pool.


# Connect-LyncRemotePoSH.ps1
# Written By: Adam Ball
# Version History:
# 1.0 - 12/12/2013 - Initial Script

#You can pass a server or pool name with the script (i.e. .\Connect-LyncRemotePoSH.ps1 myserver.mydomain.com )
param ($poolname)

#If no server or pool was passed when the script executed, pop up a box and ask for it.
if ($poolname -eq $null){
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.VisualBasic') | Out-Null
$poolname = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter a Pool or Server to connect to", "Remote Lync Pool or Server", "")

#Change the server or pool name in to a properly constructed URL
$poolname = "https://" + $poolname + "/OcsPowershell"
$cred = Get-Credential
$session = New-PSSession -ConnectionURI $poolname -Credential $cred
Import-PsSession $session


To execute, simply run the script (assuming proper execution policy is set). It will pop-up a box and ask you for the remote server or pool then pop up another box and ask for your credentials. You can also pass the server or pool name to it as part of the script execution (i.e. “.\Connect-LyncRemotePoSH.ps1 mypool.mydomain.com”).

This is also a nice way for being able to do Lync Management from your desktop without having the Lync tools installed.

Just remember, when you are done, remove the session by running “Remove-PsSession $session”.






Since you're using a third party firewall im assuming the native firewall is disabled? In any case double check your firewall rules to ensure 5895 and 5986 (if using ssl) inbound are allowed from your ip, on any port.


1. 방화벽 상태 확
   opened ports 80, 135, 443, 445, 5985, and 5986, but I am still unable to connect to the remote machine with the firewall enabled.

2. FE 서버와 파워셀을 날릴 서버에서 파워쉘 Policy "RemoteSigned" 설정
get-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

$credential = get-credential
$sessionoption = new-pssessionoption -SkipRevocationCheck -SkipCAcheck -skipCNcheck
$session = New-PSSession -ConnectionUri https://pool01.mani4u.com/ocspowershell -credential $credential -SessionOption $sessionoption
IMport-Pssession $session



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